[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

More of their answer of something like “You usually aren’t this proactively”

gut reads are best used when they are low posting

SDA is prob low level two so i would look for what motivation they would have to read them

Don’t make me laugh people discussing one person at a time = yep scum here.

i suggest a hero shot on derps tonight tbqh

Nah I suggest they shoot Geyde

I’m self resolving on PKR FFS

the progression of sir + jake goes like this.

Jake + sir interact
derps shades jake
jake defends(with ate)
kai shades jake for ate
I come in, tell jake that ate is not a good reason
merc comes in, says to not bully jake

Why is this?

what does this even mean?

That’s not the case I’m making, if you actually read my post.

My abiltiy will confirm me as at least not starting scum

What ate?

How is that not natural? is it alien to you?

appeal to emotion.

all of the “im not having fun” or “why do i do this” or “i’ve been having a hard day”

feel like theres a scum in Soul/Derps

i just feel something so off there.

Not “What’s ate”, “What ate”

Everyone agree with geyde time

Geyde is the messiah :sun_with_face: