[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

If anything he redirected the thread to me, my push was a response to his shoddy push against me.

looking at thread you at first dismiss it then you come back to it?

something smells fishy and idk who its coming from

Marshal basically pushed past that scumslip and tunneled Luxy to the ground.

either way i want soul lynched as i think marshal/luxy is TvS, i prefer lynching near lock scum

So who do you think was responsible because thread focus shifted off soul after Marshal started pushing on me. Then jake responded to Marshal and then I responded to Marshal.

there wasnā€™t much else to discuss about soul at the time, he was locked as scum due to not fucking knowing his claim at all plus him claiming day vig when he doesn;t day vig. Reeks of scum not getting their claim.

i would like an iso of soul from you if you havent already, i might have missed it. If i did miss it quote it so i can read through it

I donā€™t have time to do anything until this afternoon, Iā€™m at this music performance thing my mum signed me up for until the afternoon. I did point out Soulā€™s scummy reaction earlier on like 150 posts ago.

I mean you still havenā€™t responded to any of the points Iā€™ve made towards you

thats a fuckin mood, i have a college fair i need to attend tonight, jsut get it done asap

Also waking up at 6am on school holidays x.x

i cant relate

we get worked to the bone aug-may

I just want to play minecraft and chill these holidays lol

dream summer is work 8-3, party 4-3

Youā€™d die by the second day

mama didnt raise no bitch

I like sleep tho

also i get 4 hours of sleep already dw

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Weā€™ve done a good job of derailing the thread here, anyone else besides soul who you would like to lynch?

if soul cannot be lynched i would probably lynch my stronger scumread in you/marshal. I need to deep dive both of yallā€™s ISOs to say which is stronger however

/vote soul