[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

@eevee @Alice
Updated vote count please

Either make the town less powerful, or the mafia more powerful.

Donā€™t worry you and marshal will be exposed once I flip either way

When did I flip scum?

Youā€™re probably dead if you donā€™t hard claim so I would

I claimed royal guard already

Ah, must have missed it.
Night 1 action?

Kai, Marshal and sulit Think I still flipped scum when I fake claimed.

In reality I didnā€™t read my class card on my day action properly. Youā€™d think If I was scum Iā€™d MAKE SURE what my fake class does.

But either way Iā€™m going to be death tunnelled by them

Protected Geyde, They where a town read for me yesterday, didnā€™t want to yolo attack because I didnā€™t have clear reads or anything

Thought geyde was just town that was mistooken with how they accused cult



I donā€™t want to kill a royal guard, but by now if the NK is a claimvig, then they probably have killed Soul.

Imma make a vc how do you do the chart thing

Nvm itā€™s not important

Chart thing?

Table. They mean a table.

Well thatā€™s just rude :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sorry child.

add a third line of dashes in second row and another |
just ignore me just trying to show how to make a chart

Soul (3): Kai, sulit, Marshal
Marshal (4): Wazza, Luxy, PKR, Merc