[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

why does it feel that kai is setting up a me/luxy myslnch in a TVT scenario, and is trying to not take the blame.

Our insane brawler can take care of me and luxy in the case that soulshade flips town.

you want me to read thru the entire thread and give u reads about ppl i barely remember

lmao no, id rather focus on my sat than spend time rereading and isoing them

iā€™ll read them when i have the time but donā€™t go wasting your time and mine asking pointless questions

lol thatā€™s very wasteful. i get spewed scum of soul flips town. You can just lynch me and have a bd killer throw a bullet in luxy/marshal depending on who lives

he claimed royal guard or something, correct?

care to give reasoning?

why is killing a spewed scum at night ā€œwastefulā€ lmao?

look at the reaction test and him not knowing what his claim even does.

Itā€™s not pointless. Pointless would be asking you to convince yourself that youā€™re scum

Easiest way for scum to appear useful without giving associations is push the king.

shooting you or luxy solves an additional slot

Fair haha. Just never seen it.

because i refuse to believe that marshal v luxy is tvt. Thereā€™s no way they both flip town

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yes it is pointless. pointless as in i literally am unable to dedicate that much time rn

sharing information or asking me for reads if you give me the link to a quote or something would be much more beneficial and useful

as it stands right now, i wonā€™t go iso them bc itā€™ll eat up too much of my time (not to mention that i literally got like 4 hours of sleep last time and am super fucking tired rn)

which post

yeah, but we 100% know there is an insane brawler who can do the whole thang tonight

If you look at just the scummy posts people provide, you wonā€™t see anything good.

Also, Iā€™m asking reads on Luxy/Marshal

you can jump to it from there

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im sure people have quoted them in the past, but if you have read any of my fucking posts, youā€™d have realized that i literally said i wont have time to go thru the thread and find them

this is a waste of time

dm me on discord if u have anything useful to say, thanks

yes, i can read, but apparently you canā€™t bc iā€™ve already explained myself

good thing iā€™m a pgo and shooting maxwell tonight

Get me unbanned from the ToL server, thanks