[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

Why can’t Kyo be the NK?

Also, Luxy can still be converted.

in order of what i think he is
Group scum>Nk>chemist

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it’s a spectrum of scum, not what he can be. it’s a spectrum

Oh, okay.

Can =/= is

i’m really thinking a jgoes/kyo scum team if highly possible. We can probably just run through the PoE rn.

Jgoes/Kyo/Maximus/Sulit is my proposed PoE. Jake is so blatant town it hurts

I know, but we should consider all possibilities. There’s at most 5 (including Tsar) BD left, if we mislynch here, we’re guaranteed to lose majority.

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kyo is a guaranteed scum lynch


If we don’t lynch a Cult, we lose Majority. If the Tsar is Evil, and there are 3 Neuts, and there was a convert, that’s 2 BD. If there wasn’t a convert, Tsar is Good, and there’s 2 neuts, that’s 5. We’re working with 2-5 BD here.

I’m actually surprised nobody has figured out what I am yet.

I honestly don’t care.

I know.

sure let’s go with ignoring the fact luxy is near mech confirmed BD

Maxwell devout king

Kai/Simon Cult

maxi/kyo neuts imo

Luxy can be swapped with maxi

Huh jgoes is a coin flip too

Did Eevee ever say how enheritance works?


holy shit i don’t think i could come up with something more dumb if i was high out my mind

1: No. Luxy/Kyo aren’t the same alignment.
2: Seraph isn’t Unique.

You’ve almost completely ignored Simon so if I had to pick between y’all being CL I’d say Simon tbh