[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

It’s useless and it reeks as an attempt to appear useful.

But what is the point in saying that lol

Well, I wasn’t trying to be useful.

whats your thoughts on people say x post and not following up on it

how is that attempting to appear useful lmao

So pushing someone who can easily by red by being pushed early game = Pushing a LHF

In any case Marshal’s case on the interaction actually does clear up things for me
Plus FoL site meta given time hosting LOTRFM actually contextualizes it

Same reason Hippo is Hippo

It’s probing

Anyway, we should probably start on a night plan, as we’ve wasted almost half of D1.

why did i immediatly think of shoving shit in an ass

nightplans are dumb and let scum counter them

Soul is soft defending Derps

Pushing LHF isn’t always scummy imo, James isn’t really LHF just easier to read.

They turnt into LHF by what happened during the game.

However, the one nightplan that is good, is that if there is a brewer or nurse, please gimme the stuff, as i created you and can take you out

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I’m confused

*Jake e.e

Do you want a video explanation?

Forcing a push on LHF is scummy
Pushing LHF in general definitely isn’t if there’s a good reason