[SFoL] SFoL 46 - Chaos 2 - Canned

Eevee is evil
Eevee is evil

Conclusion: Eevee is evil

Also the default for SFoL is that if it’s not listed, that the base FoL rules will be used fyi, so there is actually a role distribution list.

Why can’t all any game be allowed

Because they’re imbalanced.

tell me why can’t we allow it

I just did.

No you didn’t it being imbalanced doesn’t prohibit it

Yes, it does.

how does it prohibit it?

By me saying it is prohibited, because it is imbalanced. Final thing I’m going to say on it.

That doesn’t make sense why can’t we allow imbalanced game if people want to play imbalanced game

If you can get all signups for this game to unanimously tell me that they want to run it without a reviewed rolelist and it being inherently imbalanced, you got it. Good luck.

We’ll stick with balanced games in the meantime.

People signup already knowing it was going to be imbalance

Tell me how game being imbalanced makes it bad it collected all people needed

It should be other way around that if all people agree to it becoming balanced only then it should change

Then it makes sense


Then explain I already explained why it should be that way because it was said from start it was going to be imbalanced

Yea and that was never signed off on by a reviewer, namely me, so that is getting reverted. You can complain all you want to me, but I’m not changing it unless you actually get all players on board. Just out if you don’t want to play a balanced game.

Tell me reason there can’t be imbalanced game
There is nothing in op that would make you think it should be balanced

Like why you’re not even in the game and you still go in and say that you know better how game should go and change it

Complain to XBlade or other moderators if you don’t like it. :man_shrugging:

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