[SFoL] SFoL 46 - Chaos 2 - Canned

Welcome to Chaos, the second edition!

Hosted by yours truly and Vote-Bot/Co-Host Buddy is Meteoro.

General Gameplay Information


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. Respect the host and the players
  3. If you haven’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 16 hours, you will be force replaced.
  4. No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  5. Do not screenshot private host messages
  6. Don’t throw the game. This includes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose
  7. Refrain from posting so many times in a row.
  8. Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for the host.
  9. Let’s all have fun and play together!


  • Days last 72 hours, or until a majority is reached for execution. Nights last 24 hours.
  • All actions must be sent to the mod.
  • Unseen/Cult will talk in a special thread.
  • The priest will speak with the dead through a separate thread.
  • All classes will be used and will be used as they are found in the Class Cards Thread.
  • There WILL be trial and will be majority based. There is no day 1 lynch.
  • You can not use abilities while a player is on trial.

Picking a New King

  • If there are less than 4 players a new king will not be selected.
  • After a king’s execution the day does not end, an election shall be held the day later
  • When the king dies 24 hours is given for the votes for King. All players start obligated to get King.

Action Results


You were bewildered
Your ability backfired (Pants on Fire/Dark Rune)
You’ve been intimidated
You were exposed to deadly nightshade!
A mercenary has offered you a contract, do you accept?
You’ve been slapped and cannot vote
You’ve been threatened


You slept peacefully
For whatever reason, your visit on [x] was prevented.
For whatever reason, you instead visited [x]
Someone tried to prevent you but you had no time for them
You were attacked but you survived
You were unfortunately killed
Your attempt to kill your target failed
Your attempt to occupy your target failed


  • PM the host what you want on your journal. When you die, the last update to your journal will be revealed to everyone


  1. Hjasik
  2. Isaac
  3. Luxy - Killed N1 - The Bard
  4. Margaret
  5. Priestess
  6. Possessed
  7. Arete
  8. Geyde
  9. cupcakeaj2
  10. Squid :crown:
  11. Soul
  12. Poke - Lynched D2 - The Alcoholic
  13. Boss - Killed N2 - The Stable Boy
  14. Maxwell
  15. Frostwolf
  16. Marcus



  • Insanity


  • Lightsin
  • Eevee
  • Solic


D1 Begins
D2 Begins
Gamerpoke is placed on Trial

Factions and Class that might make an appearance in this game


The Unseen (With Captains) Link 32
The Brotherhood Link
The Banished Link 26
The Undead Legion Link 21
The Corrupt Link 55
The Demon Link 15
The Cabal Link 12
The Vampires Link 22

Faction Hard Counters

(Sheriff is the only official Class I’m allowing in this game)

The Sheriff

Blue Dragon Investigative
Scout (Day) - Scout a player, you will know if that player gets converted. The scout will stay on the player until you command them to watch someone else - Infinite use
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn if a player is a member of the Unseen or not - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Constable

Blue Dragon Investigative
Loyal (Passive) - Immune to Recruitment
Shield of Honor (Passive) - You are immune to The Brother’s attack.
Stake Out (Night) - Watch your target’s room tonight to see if they have been recruited into The Brotherhood. If they were, everybody will be informed of their treason. You will also monitor their room for Brotherhood activity. You will prevent a recruitment. If they are the target of Espionage, Plant or Sabotage, they will be revealed to you. - infinite uses
Warrant (Day) - You will put a warrant on another player’s head. You will be told if they are the target of any Brotherhood ability. - infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Brotherhood and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Warden

Blue Dragon Investigative
Duty (Passive) - Immune to Conversion
Inquisitive (Night) - Research your target tonight and learn something about them. You will be told if they are Banished, Convertible or Immune to Conversion. - Infinite uses
Scribble (Day) - You will pass a note with a written message to your target. They will know it came from The Warden. - 3 uses
Testimony (Day) - Your target will be granted conversion immunity and will become the new Warden if you die.- 1 use - only available upon finding at least 1 Convertible using Inquisitive
Your objective is to Eliminate the Banished, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Necromancy Senser

Blue Dragon Investigative
Sense Necromancy (Night) - See if someone is the Member of the Undead Legion
Make Undead Dead (Night) - Kill someone that is a Member of the Undead Legion you had to investigate that Person first and he had to Appear as a Member of the Undead Legion. - 1 Use.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Undead Legion and any Neutrals who stand against you

The White Agent

Blue Dragon Special
Incorruptible (Passive) - You are immune to Corruption and Occupy
White Barrier (Passive) - You are immune to Death for the first three nights and on the night you use The Great Cleansing.
The White Grip (Day) - Your target will be occupied during next night if they are Corrupt or The King, this ignores Occupy immunities. You may target The King with this - 1 use
White Bond (Day)- If you die tonight, your target gets promoted into The White Agent if they are a convertible class and not Corrupt, you can no longer be revived if you succeed. - 1 use
Resonance (Night) - Determine if someone is a member of The Corrupt. The Source will show up as Not Corrupted on Night 1. - Unlimited Uses
The Great Cleansing (Night) - Kill someone if they are a member of The Corrupt, ignoring night immunities. If you kill The Source with this, then all Corrupt die. You may target The King with this. - 1 Use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Corrupt and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Exorcist

Blue dragon Investigative
Higher calling (Passive) - When the fallen dies, you shall become the saint.
Test morals (Night) - determine if your target is corrupted. - Infinite uses
Purify (Night) - if your target is corrupted, remove their corruption. They cannot be corrupted again. - 1 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Demons and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Saint

Blue dragon Investigative
Find morality (Night) - You will be told the name of one player who is not a demon. You will not be told the same player’s name twice. - infinite uses
Ward evil (Night) - you will occupy and demons who attempt to visit the target. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Demons and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Detective

Blue Dragon Investigative
Snoop(Night) - Investigate a player’s room, discovering whether they are a member of The Cabal - Infinite Uses
Tail(Night) - Follow a player, if they are a Cabal member they will be occupied, if they aren’t they become immune to all Cabal abilities tonight
Your objective is to Eliminate the Cabal and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Slayer

Blue dragon killing
Garlic (Passive) - Kills any vampires that attempt to use Hematophagy on him
Hunt (Night) - Determine if your target is a vampire or not.
Stakeout (Night) - Stakeout in the player’s room; if a vampire attempts to use Hematophagy on them, you will kill the vampire.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Vampires and any Neutrals who stand against you

Blue Dragon Classes

The Lord Commander

Blue Dragon Special
Loyal Until Death (Passive) - You keep an Elite Blue Dragon Banner at your door, so if a Mastermind or Cult Leader attempts to convert you, they will be prevented from visiting you.
Sworn Vows (Passive) - Due to an Oath you made upon becoming a Lord Commander, you are unable to step up to become King.
Lock-down (Day) - You will extend the current day phase into the night by a day, the night phase will be shortened by a day. - 2 uses.
Honour and Prestige (Day) - Target a player. You will be informed if they have Royal Blood. - 3 uses.
Sworn to Protect (Night) - Target a player. You will prevent any visits to them. - 2 uses.
Distinction (Night) - Target a player. You will be told if they are Convertible or Nonconvertible. You will also be told if they were just converted. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you


Blue Dragon Investigative
Shared Dream (Night) - Be given the night result of the person you select - Infinite Uses
Half-Remembered Dream (Night) - Learn the classes(not the players) that visit your target - 3 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Archer

Blue Dragon Killer
Guilt (Passive) - If you kill Blue Dragon member, you will commit suicide in following night
Piercing Arrow (Day) - You are making sharpening arrow tip that allow you to bypass night immunity with Between the eyes Ability - 3 uses
Between the eyes (Night) - Choose a player at night to kill
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Quartermaster

Blue Dragon Support
Recognisable Craft (Passive) - You will know when someone uses an ability you gave them and who they use it on
Falsify (Day) - The equipment you give tonight will fail to perform its purpose - Infinite Uses
Give Shield(Night) - Give a shield to a player, during the following day they may choose to exchange their night action for “Use Shield(Night) - Use your shield to protect a player or yourself”, if the Shield was falsified then it will not protect anyone - Infinite Uses
Give Sword(Night) - Give a sword to a player, during the following day they may choose to exchange their night action for “Use Sword(Night) - Use your sword to kill a player”, if the Sword was falsified it will not kill anyone” - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Ventriloquist

Blue dragon Offensive
Uncontrollable (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Control (Night) - You will control a player to visit another with the ability they were using that night. The person you control will know who they visited instead. You can’t make them target the King, or themselves. -Infinite uses
Connection (Night) - Target two players, nobody can visit them except the other player. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Sentinel

Blue Dragon Killer
Elite training (Passive) - Immune to death once
Stand guard (Night) - everyone who attempts to visit your target will visit you instead. You will know everyone who tried to visit your target - infinite uses
Retaliation (Night) - Kill someone who voted ‘execute’ on a member of the blue dragon the previous day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Artist

Blue Dragon Investigative
Hard At Work (Passive) - Immune To Occupation
Paint Splash (Day) - Splash Paint in a player’s face preventing a player from doing anything tonight. - 3 uses
Canvas of the Night (Night) - Paint a Canvas of a player, You will see the actions that occurred on that player last night. Excluding conversion. - Unlimited Uses
Dip of Paint (Night) - Paint A player’s door like another’s confusing anyone that visits them (Aka swap targets) - 2 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Casanova

Blue Dragon Offensive
Charismatic (Day) - If the Casanova is voted up for treason, he will reveal himself as the Casanova and talk his way out of the trial. He can’t be re-voted for the day. - 1 use.
Strike A Pose! (Night) - Chosen target will be pacified, occupying them if they tried to kill. You will not know if they were occupied. - Infinite uses.
Quiet Down (Night) - Chosen target can’t speak or vote the next day, and they don’t influence the number of votes required to go to trial. - 1 use.
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Evangelist

Blue Dragon Support
Preach (Day) - Your target will be immune to conversion tonight. - 2 uses
Pray (Night) - You will speak with a dead person tonight.- Infinite uses
Gift (Night) - If you are killed tonight, you will be back in 2 nights as Martyr. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Martyr

Blue Dragon Special
Detain (Day) - Target player is put on Trial immediately. - 1 use
Retribution (Night) - Anybody that visits you tonight will die. - 1 use
Intervention (Night) - You will grant death immunity to your target tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Herald

Blue Dragon Killer
Name your damn passives Plex (Passive) - Immune to Occupy + Unique
Duel (Night) - Visit your target and duel them. If you kill a member of the Blue Dragon, you will lose this ability and your class will be revealed to all. - 3 uses
Marshal Law (Night) - Slide a weapon to your target. If they’re attacked within the night, both they and the killer will die. - 3 use - 1-day cooldown
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Volunteer

Blue Dragon Killer
Training (Passive) - If you are recruited by a Sheriff, you will gain Convert Immunity as a Knight.
Shameful conduct (Passive) - If you kill a member of the Blue Dragon, you will be stripped of your weapons and be unable to kill.
Fealty (Night) - Attack somebody tonight, killing them. If they are Immune to Death, they will be told who you are but attacking again directly after will kill them. - infinite uses
Defensive Position (Night) - Stand guard in your room tonight, you will gain immunity to everything tonight but you are still visited. You won’t be told of any results though. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Chamberlain

Blue Dragon Killer
Royal Support (Passive) - As a Senior Officer of the Royal House, you can step up as King.
Undisturbed (Night) - You will stay in your room tonight and attack anybody that might disrupt you. - 3 uses
Doctrine (Day) - You will send a Public Announcement to everyone as The Chamberlain. - 1 use
Smithy (Day) - Your next usage of Undisturbed will be stronger and will kill every visitor. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Retainer

Blue Dragon Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up as King during elections
Personal Escort (Night) - You will grant your target occupy immunity tonight and cannot be affected by visit blocking abilities. - Infinite uses
Personal Vouch (Night) - Select a living target, if your target is voted to a trial during the day, you can use Jury. - 2 uses
Jury (Special) - Your votes toward the accused target will be counted as 2. If the King uses Decide Fate, you will instead negate it and your vote will be counted as 1. (King retains the use of Decide Fate)
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Pathologist

Blue Dragon Investigative
Autopsy (Night) - Inspect the body of a dead player. You will be told who they interacted with before they died. The interactions include visits to and from the player. You can’t check a dead player twice - 3 uses.
Analysis (Night) - Check a dead players body to find out their last night action and receive their result. You can’t check a dead player twice - Infinite uses
Obituary (Day) - Be told privately how somebody died. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Abjurer

Blue Dragon Offensive
Counterspell (Night) - your target will be occupied if they attempt to occupy or kill tonight. You will not be informed whether you occupied them or not. you can target the same target no more than twice. - Infinite uses
Force Field (Night) - occupy anyone who attempts to visit your target tonight (does not bypass occupy immunity). Can be used on the same target no more than twice. - infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Duke

Blue Dragon Social
Royal blood (Passive) - [Only usable after the death of a King] Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King.
Parliament (Day) Your vote of executing/pardon will be counted twice in the next election. - 3 uses
Filibuster (day) - all players who are currently accusing you of treason will rescind their accusation and accuse each other randomly. They will be unable to rescind these accusations until after the next trial. - 3 uses
Private estate (Night) - retreat to your private estate tonight; same effect as though a mercenary used “stand guard” on you. - 3 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Spy

Blue Dragon Investigative
Analyse (Day) - Determine your target’s type - infinite uses
Snoop Around (Night) - Find out who left their chambers that night - 3 uses
Compare (Special) - Compare your target from the day with your night target, revealing whether they are in the same faction
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Crier

Blue Dragon Support
Cry (Night) - you may cry out to another person. That person will visit you instead of whomever they targeted. If that person did not do anything, they will not visit. - 3 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Piper

Blue Dragon Offensive
Pipe of Glory (Day) - No one can use day abilities for the rest of the day - 3 uses
Serenade of the Lake (Night) - The target falls into a trance, causing them to leave the castle. They are occupied that night, but cannot be killed. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Redeemed

Blue Dragon Support
The Ever Lasting Mark (Passive) - The ancient runes of Corax still mark your body, and despite being weakened they still hold power. You are immune to negative effects other than killing and conversion at night.
Avatar of The Fallen Angel (Night) - You send an avatar of the Fallen Angel to protect an ally from death. They gain immunity to death if they don’t already have it already, as long as the Angel protects them. You are able to target yourself with this ability. You may only send out one, but it stays on the same target until moved. - 1 Use
Direct the Avatar (Night Special) - You Change the target of avatar of the Fallen Angel to protect someone else. If the target was killed in a way the avatar can’t protect such as bleeding or poison, you ignore this cooldown. - 1-Night Cooldown
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Protector

Blue Dragon Support
Undeterred (Passive) - Immune to Occupation
Vote Manipulation (Day) - Tamper with the votes, making a target player’s vote count for two secretly. - 3 uses
Perimeter Check (Night) - Check all around the target player’s room to prevent them from as much harm as possible. You can’t prevent Killing Actions. - 2 uses.
Practice Talents (Night) - Practice checking the perimeter of a target’s room, gaining an extra use of Perimeter Check. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Punisher

Blue Dragon Support
Torture (Day Special) - Anyday that a confirmed Blue Dragon member killed (not voted), that night you can torcher someone revealing their “visits” at last 2 nights. Your target will be occupied and you can chat with him anonymously.
Relentless Attack (Night Special) - If there was no “evil” role that died in the last 2 days, you can attack someone brutally, both of you resulting dead. Your target will die even if they are “night immune”
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Fortune Teller

Blue Dragon Investigative
Blasphemy! (Day) - Once a player is on trial, determine if they are a part of the unseen/Cult or not. - 1 Use
Spiritual consultation (Day) - Select a player this Day Phase, you will receive notification at the beginning of the Night Phase of everyone who used an ability, but not which abilities.
Protection! (Night) - You are going to see that this player is going to get converted, warning them and giving them immunity to being converted this night.
Findings (Night) - Find convertible and nonconvertible roles
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Lawbringer

Blue Dragon Killer
Reclusion (Passive) - If you should vote guilty on a blue dragon member during the trial you will not be able to talk until after the end of the following day.
Reeeee (Day) - Choose one player. Should they vote another player today it will unlock the use of your night abilities on that player - 1 every day
Punish (Night) - The player who voted will be unable to vote or use any day abilities they may have the next day - Infinite uses
Remove (Night) - The player will be unable to participate in tomorrow’s conversation and will be limited to one vote which will be used should the player rescind not allowing them to vote again. - Infinite Uses
Banish (Night) - The player will die but be revived in three days time. Their role will be revealed for the duration. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Bard

Blue Dragon Investigative
Inspiration (Passive) - If occupied at night Bard’s speech will contain tiny musical symbols at the start and finish for that entire day
Fate or fiction (Day) - Target one player and input a 4 letter word. Should the player speak that word during the day they will instantly say their class out loud. - 1 use
Tale of love (Night) - Choose two players, This night those players will occupy each other unless one is a killing class at which point the killer will attack the other chosen player with their relevant conditions. - infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Sorcerer

Blue Dragon Offensive
Hellish Rebuke (Day) Any player who attacks you the following night will be occupied the next two nights - 2 uses
Self-destruct (Night) - Kill yourself. Reveals the class of every player who visited you the night you use this the following day - 1 use
Forcecage (Night) - target player is occupied - infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you


Blue Dragon Social
Non-aggression pact (Day) - Target is forced to rescind current accusation of treason, and cannot accuse anyone of treason the rest of the day. In return, you may not vote to execute on this player today if they are put on trial. - 3 use
Negotiate (Night) - Do not select a target; speak with a random player as though you were psychic and linked minds, except it is anonymous; you are informed what class they are.
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Coroner

Blue Dragon Investigative
Test Blood (Night) - gives a list of three names; two are entirely random, the other is the killer of the dead player. Cannot be used on the same body twice. - 3 uses
Autopsy (Night) - Reveal the class who killed the player to yourself - infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

Stable Boy

Blue Dragon Offensive
Simple Squire (Passive) - You cannot be attacked by a Knight.
Shovel It (Day) - Fling “something disgusting” in front of a player, making their next words come out as a retch instead of words if they have royal blood. - 3 uses
Saddle Bagged (Night) - Weigh down a player’s horse, making them “late” for the next day’s events. They won’t be able to speak for the first half of the next day. - Infinite use.
Swiftest Steed (Night) - Lend a player the fastest horse, allowing them to outrun death if they are Blue Dragon and use their night action. - 3 use.
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you


The Informant

Neutral Investigative
Freelance (Night) - reveal the first player’s class type to yourself and the second target. If the second player is a support type, you will be immune to death tonight - infinite uses
Interrogate (Night) - determine your target’s faction - 1 uses
Determine status (Day) determine if your target has royal blood. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Survive

The Lunatic

Neutral Wildcard
Deranged Visions (Passive) - Kills everyone that visits him at night. If he kills somebody, he will drink Black Wine to forget, but also causing him to speak improperly
Medicinal Herbs (Night) - Disables the effects of deranged visions, you won’t kill anyone that visits you. The herbs you use are included in the Alchemists Tar Potion, thus causing you to lose your vision throughout the day at random moments. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Survive

The Virtuoso

Neutral Support
Musical Soul (Passive) - If the music dies, you will die (Being Occupied will kill you).
Inmate Harmony (Passive) - You will play a sweet harmony for the Prince when jailed, thus, allowing the music to keep playing as if you were not Occupied.
Passionate Composition (Day) - Your music will be loud enough to block out visits to yourself tonight. - 3 uses
Romantic Serenade (Night) - Sing a romantic song to somebody tonight, they will be immune to Occupation. - Infinite uses
Royal Melody (Night) - You will play a sweet Melody to the court during the next day. All Royals will be immune to Day Abilities the next day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to not let the music die.

The Author

Neutral wildcard
Reserved (Passive) - Immune to occupy
Self-published (Night) - If your target is killed tonight, you will replace their journal with your own. Works on any death that occurs at night, excluding suicide. - Unlimited uses
“Research” (Night) - Send someone to fetch a person’s Journal tonight. You will receive their Journal the next day, and once you close it you can’t open it again. - 4 uses
Your objective is to Successfully replace 2 Journals. Live to the end.

The Sleuth

Neutral Investigative
Poor (Passive) - After your contract dies, you will have three days to find a new one. If you don’t find one in time, you will commit suicide. If your second target dies, you will kill yourself.
Offer contract (Day) - Offer your target a contract. Not usable if you already have one. - infinite uses
Interrogate (Night) - Reveal to yourself and your contract who your target visits and what their class type is. - 4 uses
Snoop (Night) - Look around your target’s room for clues. Their class will be revealed to you and your contract. - 2 uses
Your objective is to win with your contract

The Deathnote Artist

Neutral wildcard
Artistic (Passive) - Despite not being a killer, you have access to death notes.
Plagiarism (Night) - Copy someone’s Death Note. If your target has no death note for you to steal, you’ll receive a message telling you so. - 4 uses
Self-advertisement (Night) - If your target is killed tonight, you will replace the killer’s death note with your own. Works on any death that occurs at night, excluding suicide. - unlimited use
Bribe (Day) - Make the selected person target someone of your choosing tonight. Won’t work if the selected person uses an ability that targets no-one. Also, won’t work if either target dies that day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Successfully replace 2 death notes. Live to the end.

The Treasure Hunter

Neutral wildcard
Dungeon Crawl (Passive) - You are immune to the Prince’s execution.
Daylight Robbery (Day) - Select a player to ‘steal’ a use of their ability, if they have limited usage. Gives you 1 additional use of “Shared Bounty” night ability. - Unlimited use.
Shared Bounty (Night Special) - Offer a treasure chest to another player. Target is offered a pop-up to open the chest. If they agree to open it, they will receive an additional use of any limited abilities they possess.
Pandora’s Box (Night) - Offer a trapped chest to another player. If they choose to open the chest, they will be killed. - 2 uses
Your objective is to steal and replenish 3 abilities and live to tell your legend

The Thief

Neutral Offensive
On The Move (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Caught Red-Handed (Passive) - The Thief will always show up as such when investigated by any class that can determine faction if you have any gold bars.
Plant (Day) - Plant incriminating evidence on a player, causing them to show up as The Thief tonight. - 2 uses
Steal (Night) - Sneak into a player’s room, and steal a gold bar from them. Stealing from someone with Royal Blood gives you two gold bars, instead of one. - 1 Use
Mug (Night) - Occupy the target player. You will steal a use of a limited use night ability if they have any, granting you an extra use of Steal. - Infinite Use
Your objective is to steal 3 bars of gold, and to survive.

The Scholar

Neutral Investigative
Full Disclosure (Passive) - If you are killed, the killer will learn the class types of all of the players in your research paper. If you are executed, this information is announced publically immediately afterwards.
Case Study (Night) - Choose two targets to discover both of their class types. If they are the same class type, you will read the journal of your first target at the beginning of the next day. Their names are entered into your research paper - unlimited uses
Hide and Watch (Night) - Conceal yourself in your room and prevent anyone from visiting you. You will learn the name and class types of each player who visited you. Their names are entered into your research paper - 1 use
Your objective is to Survive to enter each other surviving player at the end of the game into your research paper.

The Journal Thief

Neutral wildcard
Why’s the ink gone? (Passive) - Players will be not notified for journal theft, it will be shown as “He left no journal” / “She left no journal” upon death.
I work in darkness to serve the light. (Passive) - The Thief is always on high alert during night phase, immune to occupy
Now you see me, now you don’t. (Day) - The Thief will publicly escape with smoke bomb and forces to end day phase - 1 use
Dear Diary. (Night) - The Thief enters player’s room and steal the journal, cannot gain one journal if the target is prevented for visit. -1-night cooldown
Your objective is to Stay alive to steal at least four journals and then escape!

The Mimic

Neutral wildcard
Enduring (Passive) - Immune to death once
Copy (Night) - Kill your target and become their class if the attack is successful. They can’t be revived by the priest. You can even become a unique class in this way.
Your objective is to Become a new class and win as that class.

The Witch

Neutral wildcard
Magical Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night and to the Magical Plague
Magical Plague (Passive) - If you live for 3 further nights after a hex is activated, the Magical Plague will arrive at the castle and kill ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE (except you because of Magical Shield)
Hex (Night) - Hex a player, this lasts 2 nights and will not be notified, if a player is attacked while a hex is on them, the hex becomes activated, an announcement will be made “You hear a menacing cackle from somewhere” to all players - Infinite Uses
Your Objective is to successfully bring the Magical Plague to the castle

The Archivist

Neutral Investigative
The Archive (Passive) - You have an archive you can use permanently until dead, but not when hung over, or defending yourself. It contains a list of all people alive and dead and you can add a starting class to each one.
Starting class! Not current class
Truth upon death (Passive) - When you die your archive will show up correct guesses as green and wrong guesses as red. Your direct killer gets your archive
Paper of Truth (Day) - Guess the starting class of your first target and send the guess to the second target. It will turn green for the second target if it is correct, otherwise, it will turn red.- 2 uses
Paper of Lies (Day) - Guess the starting class of your first target - it can be yourself - and send the guess to the second target. It will turn red for the second target if it is correct, otherwise, it will turn green. - 2 uses
Desperate Search (Night) - Instantly determine the starting class type and alignment of someone who died last night or day. This will make your presence public - 1 use
Careful Examination (Night) - Examine your archive carefully to determine the number of wrong guesses. If the number is 0 you will publish your archive and be convert immune for the rest of the time. - 2 uses
Your Objective is to Survive, publish a correct archive or have a correct archive upon death

The Bastard

Neutral Social
Tainted blood (Passive) - Can step up to be king. If you are voted up you will always become a crazed king
Hardened (Passive) - Night immune
Watch closely (Night) - Get someones exact class - 4 uses
Your Objective is to Become King and have the blue dragon lose

The Executioner

Neutral Offensive
Iron Clad (Passive) - You are immune to death for one attack.
Royal Hatred (Passive) - When the king dies and there’s a vote for a new king, you cannot vote NOR can you step up as the next king.
Bombastic Voice (Passive) - During the night phase, you’re able to speak to the entire court. Your name will show up as Crier during this time.
Judge, Jury, Executioner (Day) - The day immediately turns into a forced trial day. The votes become anonymous and so are the names. Executioner shows up as Executioner in bold with red text. Everyone else shows up as witnesses. Executioner’s vote counts as two votes during the trial. Whoever is voted up is instantly executed without a defence. - 2 uses
Your Objective is to Survive long enough to see the Blue Dragon Lose the game.

The Monk

Neutral wildcard
Holier-Than-Thou (Day) - Your vote counts as two today - 1 use
Divine intervention (Night) - You are immune to death tonight - 2 use
Fellowship (Passive) - You see what happens to other Monks at night
Devout (Passive) - Monks cannot become The King
Your Objective is to Outlive the other Monks

The Phantom

Neutral wildcard
Cursed (Passive) - You are separated from your body, meaning you will be dead but your body will still be alive unable to talk. You will be immune to any attacks until 1 person dies
Silent Announcement (Passive) - Once you rejoin your body your presence will be announced.
Silent Whisper (Day) - You can whisper to the living - 2 uses
Connect (Night) - If a player dies you can target them and become part of their faction, once you target them they cannot be revived and you will become alive. - Infinite Uses
You objective is uknown

The Fright

Neutral wildcard
Too Scary to be Busy (Passive) - Occupation Immune.
Fearful Trial (Day) - Your name will be changed into Fright and no one will be able to talk except you that day, and there won’t be a trial; since everyone is too frightened to vote. - 1 use
Frighten (Night) - Target player will be too frightened to talk at the other day. - 3 uses
Cower in (Night) - Cower in target’s room; being able to see target’s room for the rest of the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Survive

The Wicked

Neutral Social
Special Resistance (Passive) - You cannot bypass the Convert Immunity of Special classes for the first 3 nights.
Curse Implosion (Passive) - You cannot successfully wipe more than one person per faction, 2 neutrals, or a Neutral Killer if you attempt it you die.
Fake Voice (Day) - Say something. It will appear as if your target said it - 2 Uses
Voice Absorption (Day) - Your target will privately speak and whisper only to you until the end of the day.- 2 Uses
Wiping Curse (Night) - Convert someone into The Wiped. You bypass the Convert Immunity of Neutrals, Cult and Unseen. You will not notice if it fails.- 2 Uses
Ritual of the Dead (Night) - You will hear the Dead next night and day, and you will be able to talk to them as Priest at night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Successfully wipe 2 people or successfully wipe one person and use up all abilities.

The Director

Neutral Offensive
Focused (Passive) - Immune to Occupation.
Micromanage (Day) - Force a player to vote to execute or pardon on a current vote. They will be locked into this choice. - 2 uses
Redirect (Night) - Control a player, causing them to target another with their chosen night ability. There will be no effect if the ability they were using can’t be used on that target, or they didn’t use an ability. - Infinite uses
Bait and Switch (Night) - All players who visit you tonight will have their chosen night ability redirected to a target player. - 2 uses
Your objective is to kill 3 people by using your abilities and survive


Neutral Special
Supapower (Passive) - Night immune once
Super Abduct (Day) - Jail your target. If the Prince selects the same person your jail will fail. If you jail the Prince his jail will fail. If he jails you, your jail will fail. If you both jail each other than your jail will fail.
Execute (Night) - Execute your prisoner - 3 uses
Royal Mask (Night) - Have your jail chat appear as Prince for the rest of the night (normally says kidnapper) - infinite uses
Your objective is to Survive and have the BD lose

The Freak

Neutral Offensive
Decaying Body (Passive) - Your body is frail and weak but with dark magic, your body will be reformed. You are immune to death at night.
Rotten Flesh (Passive) - You cannot step up to be King as the Royals at Court will notice your rotting flesh.
Bad Blood (Night) - Select two targets. If one of them has Royal Blood, you will swap it with the other. -3 uses - no self-target
Grave-rob (Night) - Select a dead target that has Royal Blood and a living target. You will transfer their Royal Blood to the living target. - Infinite uses - can’t use on the same dead target twice
Demise (Day) - If you are attacked tonight, you will bring them down with you. - 2 uses
Your objective is to See the Blue Dragon’s demise.

The Analyst

Neutral Investigative
Studios (Passive) - Immune to Occupation.
Inconspicuous (Passive) - You appear as a member of the same faction as your Investigator.
Fact Check (Day) - Check to see if the faction of someone previously investigated has changed. - 2 uses
Investigate (Night) - Discover the faction of the target player. - 3 Uses
Discovery (Night) - Discover something about the target player. The first time this is used on a specific player, it will reveal their original class type. The second time, it will reveal their current class type. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to survive.


Neutral Offensive
Corny. (Passive) - At day you’re a human. At night you transform into a Werecorn. This makes your character appear as a corn at night.
“I’m not a corn” (Day) - Tell everyone you’re not a corn. Makes you immune to visitation tonight, cause they totally have no reason to suspect you! - 2 uses
“No really, I’m not.” (Day Special) - Tell someone you’re really not a corn. Makes the person suspicious of you. Will make a person target you tonight. - Infinite uses
Popcorn! (Night) - Anyone who visits you tonight will die, as you explode in their face. It will take you 1 day to regain your corniness to use this ability again. - Infinite uses 1-day cooldown
Pierces immunity.
Your objective is to survive.

The Baron

Neutral Offensive
Royal Revenge (Passive) - If you are executed for treason, the King will die the next day.
Royal Decree (Night) - Take Royal Blood from them if they have it. Give Royal Blood to them if they don’t. - 2 uses
Fraudulent Shaming (Night) - If your target is voted for Treason, all the trial votes will be reversed. Execute will be Pardon and Pardon will be Execute. Abstains will be normal. - Infinite uses
Proclaim Throne (Day) - Reveal the King’s true alignment to you. - 1 use
Prison Ordain (Day) - The Prince will not be able to execute tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to See the Blue Dragon’s demise.

The Thaumaturge

Neutral Offensive
Royal Spell (Passive) - As long as you live, the Prince can be Occupied.
Magic Blacksmith (Night) - You will cast a spell that causes all attacks tonight to bypass death immunity. - 1 use
Mindwarp (Day) - You will cast a spell that reveals your targets last night action to you. - Infinite uses
Mind Control (Day) - You will cast a spell that forces your target to target somebody of your choosing (They will be unaware). - 2 uses
Your objective is to See the Blue Dragon’s demise.

The Ronin

Neutral wildcard
Bushido (Passive) - Recover a random Night Ability if you stay in your room
Shinto (Passive) - You will be told how somebody was killed at the beginning of each night.
Nukiuchi (Night) - Duel your target. Kills them unless Royal Blood. - 2 uses
Kyudo (Night) - Fire your bow. Injures your target so they can’t vote, however, if night immune, they lose it for 1 night. - 2 uses
Zen (Day) - Meditate. Lose your ability to speak but become immune to day abilities. - 1 use
Your objective is to survive.

Neutral Killers

The Lich

Neutral Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - You may put your name forward to become the King.
Gallows Humor (Passive) - You are immune from death on the night following an execution.
Casket Breath (Night) - If you are killed, you will take the name/place of your target. - 1 use
Devour Flesh (Night) - Kills targeted player. Successful kill gives you one additional use of Casket Breath if you have zero.
Your objective is to become king and kill everyone in your way

The Crone

Neutral Killer
Dead Tongue (Passive) - You will be able to see the dead speaking at night, but their words become more faded with each passing night.
Heart of the Enemy (Passive) - You are immune from murder on nights you successfully kill.
Foul Justice (Day) - Enable the dead to vote up a living player of your choice during the trial period if they so choose. - 1 use
Revenge Killing (Night) - Choose to kill a player. This ability starts at ZERO uses, but you are given 1 use of this ability for each player who dies from night one forward.
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way

The Skin Thief

Neutral Killer
Morbid Mask (Passive) – Your class type and faction will appear to investigative roles as your most recent victim of Suit Up. This effect occurs before investigative abilities. If you do not kill anybody for 4 nights in a row with Suit Up, the stolen flesh rots off your face and you are revealed as the Skin Thief to the castle the next day.
Elusive Multi-Tasker (Passive) – You are immune to death at night and may use both night abilities each night.
Suit Up (Night) - Choose a player to kill and flay. If you are successful, pick a Night and a Day ability your victim had and replace your Night Ability 2 and Day 2 Ability with each respectively. You cannot steal the King’s abilities. Your attack cannot be healed by the Physician or Alchemist. - unlimited uses - 1-night cooldown if successful
Variable (Night) - This ability is a placeholder slot for whatever ability the Skin Stealer has taken from their most recent victim. - 2 uses per new ability stolen
Face Reader (Day) - Discover a player’s class type. - 2 uses
Variable (Day) - This ability is a placeholder slot for whatever ability the Skin Stealer has taken from their most recent victim. - 1 use per new ability stolen
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way

The Summoner

Neutral Killer
Godly Influence (Passive) - You are immune to death and occupation.
Brutal Markings (Passive) - The marks will be publicly announced if a player with a mark is killed.
The Chosen Bodies (Night) - Mark a targeted player with the mark of the dark lord
The Last Step (Night Special) - Once you have marked your targets you will finish the ritual by sacrificing yourself. When the dark lord is summoned they will slowly kill till everyone with the mark is killed or executed.
Your objective is to mark your targets and see the dark lord summoned. Your targets are [a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], and [g].

The Kitsune

Neutral Killer
Demonic (Passive) - You are night immune.
Darkened Fox (Day) - Shift your form into a kitsune tonight, your attacks will bypass night immunity from this night on, but anyone who sees you attacking or investigates you will see that you are the kitsune. - Infinite use
Disguise (Day) - Shift your form into a human. Your attacks will not bypass immunity anymore, but you will be seen as a princess to investigative - Infinite use
Bite (Night) - Attack someone with a bite - Infinite use
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Cannibal

Neutral Killer
Fat Layers (Passive) - You are immune to death if you successfully kill that night
Fast (Day) - You will become so hungry that you are immune to Occupy tonight - 2 Uses
Feast (Day) - Kill a player, their class and journal will not be revealed, except to you
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Psychopath

Neutral Killer
Unstable (Passive) - The Psychopath is forced to kill every night they aren’t prevented from doing so, for example being jailed by the Prince.
Uncontrollable (Passive) - Immune to Death and Occupation.
Coverup (Day) - Tonight, the Observer will not be able to detect you have left your room, and if the person you kill is Exhumed by a Physician, it will appear as though a randomly selected killer is the culprit. - 2 uses
Threatening Letter (Day) - Leave a threatening letter in a target player’s room. They will be too scared to leave their room later that night, occupying them. - 2 uses
Murder (Night) - You are forced to kill a player, but you may still choose which player. If you do not select a player, one will be chosen randomly for you. - Infinite usesstrong text
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Viking

Neutral Killer
For Odin! (Passive) - By the name of Odin, you shall kill anyone who attempts to convert you at night.
Rampage (Night) - Go on a rampage in someone’s room tonight, killing your target and everyone who visits. Pierces night-immunity. 1-day cooldown. - Unlimited uses
Feast (Night) - Tonight you feast, making you immune to incoming attacks. - 3 uses
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Maniac

Neutral Killer
Muscular (Passive) - Night immune
Good memory (Passive) - Get the names of people that occupy you
Laugh maniacally (Day) - Gives another use of Haste. Invest ability’s that check for the faction will get your exact role instead. - 0 uses gains one for every 2 kills with stab
Stab (Night) - Kill your target - infinite uses
Haste (Night) - Kill 2 targets - 1 use
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Succubus

Neutral Killer
Driven Insane (Passive) - Players that have marks of insanity will attack any player that they visit that has fewer marks of insanity than them besides the Succubus. Abilities of players will still be activated though.
Hell’s Touch (Passive) - You cannot get marked.
Torment Soul (Night) - Mark someone with insanity.
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Mortician

Neutral Killer
Corpse’s vigour (Passive) - Immune to death at night
Cadaver’s suspicion (Passive) - Whenever you or a player you have stuffed a corpse into the room of is investigated, all the investigator sees is “You were too distracted by the dead bodies in your target’s room to snoop around”
Abduct (Night) - Kill your target. You can choose to either stuff the corpse in someone else’s room of your choosing, or dissect them and gain a use of transplant. - infinite uses
Transplant (Day) - Your target will lose immunity to death, if they have it, until they are healed by a physician or an alchemist, thanks to an infection you left in them. - 0 uses
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Visitor

Neutral Killer
Inhuman Strength (Passive) - Immune to death at night
Unmistakable Appearance (Passive) - If you are investigated the night you Erase someone, all investigators will be told you are the Visitor
Erase (Night) - Target player dies, their journal and chat history are erased and their class isn’t shown, they may not speak with the priest or be revived - 1 day cooldown
Blend In (Day) - You appear as a member of the Blue Dragon to all investigative tonight, regardless of what you do - 1 use
Soul Exchange (Day) - If you successfully erase a player tonight you will take their name and avatar and whatever, and you will erase your own chat history - 1 use
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Trapper

Neutral Killer
Innovative (Passive) - Immune to death on nights in which you do not use enable traps. You will still be immune to death if you attempt to do so and they are occupied.
Set trap (Night) - Place a trap at your target’s door. - infinite uses
Enable traps (Night) - Enable all traps anyone who has a trap at their door and leaves their room will die; anyone who visits someone with a trap at their door will die; the latter does not disable the trap’s future use. - infinite uses, one-day cooldown
Nightshade dispenser (Day) - If your target uses a day ability today, they will be poisoned with nightshade - 2 uses
Efficient killing (Day) - If you use set trap tonight, it will bypass death immunity - 1 use
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Wraith

Neutral Killer
Rage (Passive) - At the end of every day, you gain 2 rages. You can have a maximum of 7 rages. You start with three rages.
If you have 3 or more rage, you are immune to death. If you have 5 or more, you are immune to being occupied.
Night’s wrath (Night) - Attack the target. If you have 5 or more rage, you will bypass death immunity. If you have 7 rages, you will kill your target and everyone who visits your target and then lose rage equal to however many people you killed. - infinite uses cost 1 rage
Phantasmal beating (Day) -The next player put on trial will be immediately executed - cost 4 rage
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Cook

Neutral Killer
Cooking Mania (Passive) - Immune to Conversion
Feed (Day) - Feed the King and his guards will be forced to protect you tonight. - 4 uses
Spoiled (Night) - Serve a plate of rotten meat to somebody at night. They will die in 1 days, from food poisoning. - Infinite uses
Cook (Night) - Serve food to the members of the court. In 4 days, everybody that is night immune will die unless you are killed. - 1 use
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Butcher

Neutral Killer
Seeing Red (Passive) - Nothing will stop your Blood obsession, you are immune to death at night.
Bloody Mess (Passive) - You will spill Blood on anybody that visits you as long as you are covered in Blood. Blood will appear in all Investigative results.
Slaughter (Night) - You will slaughter your victim tonight, covering yourself and anybody visiting in Blood. - Infinite uses
Butcher (Night) -You will butcher your target tonight, destroying any Journal they have created. Only you will get covered in Blood. - 2 uses
Clean (Day) - You will wash the Blood off of yourself today. -2 uses
Wipe (Day) - You will wipe some of the Blood onto your target, covering them with Blood. - 2 uses
Goal: Go on a murderous rampage and kill anyone that would oppose you, Blue Dragon, Unseen and even the Cult who’s using Blood in the wrong way!

The Groundskeeper

Neutral Killer
REEEEEEEEEE (Passive) - Immune to Occupy | Immune to Conversion
Stalk (Day) - Find out who your target is targeting at the beginning of the night and get some idea of what their class is.
Bury Alive (Night) - Bury your target alive and take their place. They will vanish from the court. Their class will show as “Unknown” and Physician cannot exhume the player. You will know their class and journal.
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

The Rampaging Carrot

Neutral Killer
Yummy (Passive) - Will be eaten one part if occupied, the carrot has 3 part.
Rooted (Passive) - Due to being a plant, you can’t-do anything at day and immune to death at night, as people didn’t see the carrot as a threat, and you can’t be voted up as a carrot.
Eat This (Day) - Put the carrot into someone’s mouth, preventing them to do any day ability. - Infinity uses
Vegtablesssss (Night) - Put your explosive carrot to your target and everyone who visit your target. They will be notified about the explosive carrot. - Infinity uses
Ka-boom (Night) - Detonate all your explosive carrot, killing them and people who visited them. Can be used after Day 3.
Your objective is to kill everyone in your way.

# Things may be changed. Solic allowed me to post this btw.

Hang on I’ll add more cool stuffs

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Did someone say chaos

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in there is a role list

This is like the most scumsided setup on the planet

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that’s why im asking for a role list lmao

It’s a closed rolelist
All you know is what can roll


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/in Interesting.

I read chaos in name of the game so I in

Days should last 72 hours though. :eyes:

Whoops forgot to change that.

This is also clearly not going to be comprehensive anymore, please fix up the OP.

can you make a role list wazza

I wanna see how scum sided this is

No can do buckaroo.

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It’s as much scumsided as he’s noob

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there must be only scum in this game then

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