[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Frost can I ask what you meant by that I have been warned?

In event that DatBird turn into Devout, you think he still have his dead partner that speak and vote?

You know what would REALLY suck? If Fireslol was dreamer and he didnā€™t hit his convert until N3

Ask geyde

Iā€™m pretty sure I would based on the ability but unlike your idea Wazza doesnt have his own vote he shares it with me. I can vote and he can change it and I can change his Itā€™s not a double vote

His d1 was legit imo

And Soul followed him anyways so hmm

Frost,why say in conduit ā€œwhen evidence point out i dindnt happen to occ firesā€?

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Bruh I wrote all the weird shit in those messages in my logs and I was like if I die, yall will see this.

Wazza was either memeing or legit defending Priestess in which case Dat is Devout yeah

But dat didnā€™t want Marg lynched so I doubt heā€™s new Devout.

I doubt converted priest changes wincon

A townie that is concerned of mislynch?

It does for Wazza apparently. If priest revives person and is converted, so is revivie.

I was checked by Marg N2 which would have showed up, and I was IWed n3. Unless Nightmare went off which is impossible if Iā€™m convert, I would have showed up as Abyss

The only way soul/kai is possible is if fireslol is CW(highly unlikely) and it wont work as i want kai to doublevote hammer

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Yeah you right @DatBird carry on.

Dat was checked by marg n2


So possible converts are Kai, Frost, Soul, Fireslol? That it?

@fireslol PoF me if legit
@Ami get results,once we have a plan use doublevote to hammer
@Isaac_Gonzalez unless fireslol PoF jailexe