[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Yeah we can exhibit some patience. Soul could have told us who Fireslol followed before he left but w/e

Iā€™d say that is suspicious.

Weā€™re forgetting one important thing and that is called reading.

This is why weā€™re not doing anything but waiting for bits of info we already know that should be used to vote and hammer.

The lack of vote on both two trials on both Soul and Fireslol makes them suspicious, sure.

I believe we can deal with this directly.

I am already tired to stand idle for trial to happen previous day, why repeat the useless junk we heard several times.

@Meteoro who did you link

Isaac, stop asking questions you donā€™t pay attention at start of D4.

no u

But seeā€¦you not wanting to wait Frost IS scummy.

You arenā€™t cleared yet.

That doesnā€™t mean I should get rid of Dreamer here now.

Why shouldnā€™t you? We got Fireslol locked tight.

Fireslol is an almost guarantee lock. The question is between you and soul, and @Ami is the decider there.

I alter the deal, pray I donā€™t alter any further.

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Frost and dat

What do you propose?

why not me

Had a feeling dat was a better link for indirectly linking deadchat

frost who did u occ

Itā€™s quite simple, we vote Soul now and get rid of Dreamer, there is no other way.

Fireslol has to be jailed by Isaac so we win by tomorrow.

First of all, he hasnā€™t voted a bit and didnā€™t contributed for BD. I helped narrow down the suspects thanks to Magnus decide not to disguise upon lynch and my occupy on him, which he calls out that he is unable to visit the target means he got either prevented or occupied, me. Dreamer gets notified for such action so that makes him suspect as Dreamer now Margaret is eliminated as suspect which weā€™re not quite sorry for her game-throwing

@Meteoro he didnā€™t talk a bit with deadchat with me did he? I know you said indirectly but even I couldnā€™t see a hint about it, have you?

Not until Kai confirms,you can be dreamer


I am not a dreamer, how many mechnical confirmation do you actually need? He didnā€™t show up to defend this accusations of mine.