[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Firesol was investigated, but i don’t know by who or what class

No, you and Soul are scum.

what? by invest classes?

You are covering for his inactivity

where the fuck are you pulling that from. this is shittier than when you were demon in FoL11 if memory serves me


wasn’t soul told to follow fireslol

does them being followed count as investigated

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I got conduited with Dat, so he and Met knows who I am suppose to occupy and this man claimed to have gossip his result with only invest check and no occupy.

/vote Frost think this is scum, his conduit messages kinda threatened me, and said I would be a perfect convert. He sent two messages at once instead of one at a time.

pretty sure yes

because then it doesn’t make sense because no one here claimed therapist

/vote Frost

/vote frost

/unvote only to stop quick lynch

It is, but Soul need to say if I visited Fireslol or not, until then - this is attempt to get me lynched so they can convert.

bam frost is bad boy

Let’s not be fast and wait for Soul, Met, and Posssessed


You guys just fell into a trap.


| Frostwolf | Kai, Isaac | 2 |
| Soul | Frostwolf | 1 |
