[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Did you know Magnus is fool?

Yeah my issue with making reads I had hardly any time to post with all the issues in irl just know I wasnā€™t putting things off purposeful espically the last three days Iā€™ve been so busy Iā€™d have 2hours of free time.

Does this answer your question?

alice what would you have done in frostā€™s situation

Confirming herself maybe, but confirming Priestess? Thatā€™s a BD move?

Well, for one Iā€™d not have converted Fireslol as he is basically at Hjasikā€™s level when it comes to his wolf play.

Then Iā€™d have gone for either Poss or you in a search to kill the Noble as Nobles are self-confirming in this setup.

Afterwards Iā€™d have pushed for Priestessā€™ lynch as I could have a kill and a convert if she died d3 rather than d4.

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Nah, just the first portion.

Yeah I wanted to die d3 not n3, but somehow they were too intelligent to fall for that.
(since I was found due to PoE because I decided to attack in the fool night)

Probs over the Prince claim. Thatā€™s why i wanted you to retract it.

I see.
I just made the mistake to legit think Margaret is the Prince and not Isaac, and was so confirmation biased that I didnā€™t see that Isaac already was confirmed
I gambled too high here and lost

How did you know I was wolf

(Can you give me advice where I slipped up)

Your posting volume and content is very AI.

When youā€™re wolf you stop posting after early game and you donā€™t even try to make reads.

Yeah I gotta know too bc I read Hja town D1.

I did tho?

Well thatā€™s already fixed long ago

town MVP possessed and scum MVP priestess?

Iā€™m completely fine with Possessed, he did some decent reads
(and evil!Priestess is the absolute madman)

I also ran the lynch Marg mafia so idk.

Definitely Priestess.

you are always evil though arenā€™t you, the Cult are evil arenā€™t they?

Thatā€™s what they say, but weā€™re the good ones