[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

the real question is why does Fool have to be so existant

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delet fool

I love the idea of Fool, but I think the way itā€™s implemented in FoL is broken and VERY Pro-town (which it isnā€™t meant to be). Its seriously the most fun class though because you dying is the goal.

alright so let me bring out a class to show you

Fool is not seen as problem in ToL, so I donā€™t really see why it is here, except of the pro-bd mechanics.

If you need proof you can use this game as one of what im sure to be MANY examples of Fool being broken.

is this a fun class

But yeahā€¦ letā€™s not discuss about not-SFoL 47 things hereā€¦

There is a thread where these discussions belong, letā€™s not spread this further.

Because the only penalty is redirection. Fool in ToL could win a game for Scum or do nothing, but itā€™ll never work in favor of town.


Not here. This is not the right place. Go back to the FoL changes thread.

Iā€™m showing him an example of why Fool is bad. This thread is meant to talk about this game and one of the things we should talk about is why Fool is bad

ironically this class is similar to fool

what the fuck have you brought upon this cursed land

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Honestly? I donā€™t enjoy kill classes. I prefer social classes and classes that create chaos. Its a cool concept and its different, but its still a very controlled killer class.

Do you think if you played it would you like it? Or rather, do you think the class would be good in a game if you enjoyed killer classes

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Absolutely. I think as far as Killers go, that class can play a lot differently than most others.


This game shows you why itā€™s not fun for the killer or the player playing with it

Itā€™s essentially not fun as you do nothingā€¦you are outted scum and all you can do is spam the thread while they randomly execute people trying to find the person you are bound to.

Again. This has nothing to do with this game, or with the problems of this game.