[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Priestess would have to be the convert then if they are scum.

Which I believe is near impossible. So, shouldn’t we jail Frost/Soul?

I didn’t say I agree to poison the king

Just because I rolled Butler, doesn’t mean I should use it because ‘someone’ from court tell me so.

Do he even have awareness?

But no, all he cares is that Butlers must poison the king every time because that ability exists.


Margaret | Possessed | 1 |
Frostwolf | DatBird | 1 |
Priestess | Isaac | 1 |

Probably missed one but ehhh

I unvoted.

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Second of all, Alice believed Magnus is Abyssian and didn’t account for fool play because Isaac claimed Alchemist making possible fool less likely.

Fool is a mislynch? Well no, this fool lynch actually bring us closer for BD to win.

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Because Devout attacked outside of the people who voted Fool up.

So that is the reason why Alice doesn’t get poisoned wine tonight

So yeah I am Pacifist

I’m still exhausted from yesterday, and making mistakes due to exhaustion was what brought me in this situation, so I’ll stay away a bit to recover. Possessed, Idk what these accusations are you are bringing onto, I shared my reads, I’m trying to analyse like I always did (because logic is one of my big strengths), but I realized in my tiredness I am making wayyy too many mistakes in that, see my few attempts to make reads and analysis’. I need to step back a bit, and do some ISOs. Some things are really off here. Idk what you are expecting from me, I never was a top player or even good in reads, I’m just here for having fun and trying some extraordinary strats I would like to do in ToL, but are not possible due to the fast pace. If you want to lynch me - do it. If Isaac wants to axe me - do it. There are some mechanical leads on me, I realize, just feel like I’m getting mostly exed mostly because I’m doing my typical strats as BD rn and making some mistakes in good will. I’ll go through the logic when I have recovered. You said you haven’t gotten my reads, even when I posted some of them… uhh well I’ll write and post my complete readlist when I’m back.

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h o w
a b o u t
y o u

The struggle of being investigative @anon97870008, BD is always too dumb to realize they are confirmable

They also dont realize that me and you are self-resolving unless they accuse us of BOTH being scum who claimed the EXACT same thing

Kay if your confirmable, can I get some reads and see where you are at with this game?

I dont got reads for yall

Nor shall I make any

B e c a u s e
Y a l l
D o n t
C a r e
A n y w a y s

just vote marg

But I do

i do too

That was the biggest lie you’ve made