[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!


O rlly

Then why didnt you comment on one very specific post that revealed why I targetted certain people for checks

Cuz do I have to comment on every post and honestly I’m not even sure which post that is. I know you checked FW and someone I cant remember. So If you could link it I’d appreciate it. Plus I have a different idea of what we should do tonight

Frost and Kai in reverse order

Coincidentally both people that needed to be checked and were being read negatively by at least one person

A n d
Y e s

If you arent even up to date with the game, can you even accuse me of not being up to date

Am I though? I’m just asking for reads at this point, I know I accused you yesterday but after a good sleep and a bit of advice from the dead I have a better solution to tonight’s lynches

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ya mean Wazza :thinking:

No the other ones

Also /unvote

Oh wow the actual useful one

A likely faceswapped reaper, fool, and a Princess that had no info really

o k

Yeah they are

Actually rather quiet

Asked me to lynch him today

Really wants ur head, but also did check Soulshade last night

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And yes

I dont believe that hja died as “reaper” but is doing their typical thing of no useful info while dead

/vote marg

of course baz wants my head

I killed him in his last game when he was a class he loved

Or was that another person

I dont understand why the Therapists are even being questioned

We have like 4 players that can confirm our visit prevention like w h y

do you know why they fake claimed prince

Because Priestess thought I was Prince?

So like you are being read via associations with someone who lolcatted and gave up with at one point (I know she said this was a ploy but I doubt it at this point), but know that I think about it they also did vote you which is something she wouldnt even do for Fireslol who was the only other option for Devotee at the time.

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P r o t e c t i n g
S o m e o n e
I t h i n k
I s B D
I s
C r i m e
N o w
H u u

Protecting who? Who are you implying? Fireslol or Priestess?