[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

Hey Fireslol
Ask if you can use this on me. I am not an Unseen and you might need me for kills if Bazinga kills me. It doesn’t say your faction it says not enemy. Keep that in mind.

Baz I’m not hammering now, you ruined everything.

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You don’t have to say the answer aloud. Just wifom based on the answer. Do what’s right for you town or scum. Just…keep things in mind.

Im sorry you like bad sports and i like good sports like basketball

Hey now. Slam dunks and homeruns are both amazing :slight_smile:

Except Marcus, Mercenary and Blue. :eyes:

Voting Counter

Accused Voters Amount of Votes
MathBlade Marcus_Doodalee, Solic, HTM, Bazingaboy :crown: 5/6
Astand DatBird 1/6
Not Voting Astand, Fireslol, MathBlade, Mercenary, BlueStorm 5

There are 9 hours until the end of the day.

Btw wouldnt hurt if someone, especially mm suspects, would try to make, you know, some reads? And not just “this guy or that guy can be MM”. Wasnt d2 interesting in that regard. I mean, I looked at some things at ISOs, but I dont really know how the day went.

Maybe make a case against each other idk.

Math did a fantastic job derailing the day btw.

Also imo plurality should be on by default, its weird its relegated to kings ability.

So nightplan wise. I will guard a certain someone so Baz cant screw it up by killing.
@bazingaboy if I were you I would bring Marcus, HTM, and Astand. Otherwise use an guard on your biggest town read or kill me, to show your GK
@astand I would kill either Math’s assassin since MM cant be killed at night or anyone in POE that you Marcus and HTM hopefully can do tonight
@BlueStorm occ whoever the assassin is to stop a kill since it shouldnt be conversion night. If you and the others dont beleive math go with PoE but be careful since you dont want to ruin any plans
@Mercenary i honestly have no clue what you are. If you are the Crusader. Play good I dont know what the best play would be deus volt or guard. Prob guard. In that case you should go on Solic or Astand
@Htm follow your crazy plan hopefully it works
@Solic heal someone of bleeding if theres any cases of it, or just heal who you think may die tonight
@fireslol Bind a soul and hope for the best
@Marcus_Doodalee hopefully in a chat with HTM and astand you can pick the best plan for tonight. I honestly forget your class but i know its investigative. So go look for a check and hopefully find some ecum.
@MathBlade well hopefully this wasnt a fps and you actually know the real unseen team and are actually a neut bro. Well you played good


This works for me.

/votedunk MathBlade

We have our plan, let’s not go derailing it.

It wasn’t. And since scum didn’t work with me I don’t work with them.

Although numbers wise it may not matter.

I made my suggestion in night actions in the logs.

Rooting for town here since you guys tried to actually listen unlike scum.

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Htm is scum.

They were gonna Chinese firedrill onto town and use Bazinga’s plurality bullshit

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He hasn’t been talking with dead chat and fucked up the intro right away. Hjasik’s first response wouldn’t be to call me newb.

Hjasik didn’t scumread me. That was Htm’s signal he was the convert.

Scum took my advice and converted him.

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Bazinga is obviously EK.

The only one I waffle on is if Marcus is traitor or not

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Merc is the MM btw.

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Here is where Merc knew I was Occultist

See my moon logic gets scum caught :slight_smile: