[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

No, that’s wrong!

Magnus’s humours were imbalanced SOOOOO I used a knife to cure him by removing the excess blood! See, this is another ability I have! I can cure people of dying of plague (I have a lot of expertise in that department) but only if I make them bleed, which is definitely a useful ability which fits into the theme of my class.

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Can you at least try to read Sam for me?

Is this a captcha test?

No because I’m not a robot

The last 10 minutes have as many twists as Bridge to the Turnabout.

The average M. Night Shyamalan movie

Excuse me
I dont speak Icibalian
Speak English please

Note: Magnus is Bleeding since 9 mins ago in this day.
Priestess has been Bleeding from D1.

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Sam is spelt S-A-M, and is generally a shortened form of the name Samuel, a name which has origins in the middle east particularly in the judeo-christian quarter. It can also, however, be a shortened form of the name Samantha.

On one hand, the case for it being a shortened form of Samuel is pretty strong. As far as I’m aware, Sam’s gender is male, and thus it is statistically more likely that he identifies as a man than he does as a woman.

Samantha has a case of its’ own, but I feel like the case runs into a huge flaw in one particular area: When Sam17z is referred to by his full name (we think) Samuel Seventeen-Zed, he dosen’t try to correct us, which makes it likely in my opinion that he is definitely a Samuel.

Samuel is a villagery name, because it means that Sam shares a name with Samuel L Jackson. Not only that, but I beleive that Sam17z and Samuel L Jackson are in fact one and the same. And I can prove it. Samuel L Jackson plays Nick Fury in the MCU, yes? Well, Nick Fury is a stupid username, as is Sam17z. It all fits!

In conclusion, Sam is a villager because he’s samuel L jackson and Samuel L Jackson would not be allowed by the universe to rand wolf.

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Now that I’ve cleared Sam, we can add him to my ever-expanding village core:

Village Core


We are one step closer to solving the game, folks!

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@Possessed I have a red peek on you as of 2 seconds ago!

Any defences?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?1?

lolreactiontests Poss is conf wolf.

/transcendent Octavote Possessed

Full disclosure on what just happened coming shortly.

Looks at Ici radar blaring in the wrong direction
Well done Ici, well done

Ah, my dear Shurian, but Poss is conf wolf! You see, I came up with a 100% novel never-seen-before reaction test to out him immediately or die trying! It’s called… claiming a red peek on a player who isn’t in the thread! A far more advanced technique than claiming a red peek on a player who is reading up, this technique requires perfect timing, but if done right it can out a wolf.

Poss is an outed wolf because he didn’t post anything when I performed my very subtle reactiontest on him, which clearly shows him freezing in-thread due to an unexpected out throwing a wrench into his plans to lynch Litten, which forced him to reconsider his plans and not respond to the post. A villager would face the reaction-test head on however, which clearly didn’t happen here.

Not only that, but their soft probably means they’re Chancellor or Beuarocrat, because they talked about being like Comissioner Gordon which means they’re in a position of power and command. It is more likely that he’s Beaurocrat because that class’s BD equivilant is nominally “confirmable”.


So Ici has given up.

Obviously I haven’t. You can tell my posts are genuine because they’re more than a paragraph long, and that shows that I am putting serious effort into my efforts to out wolves, thus proving that I’m a villager because the content of long posts dosen’t matter. Nobody has enough effort to actually read more than 4 sentences, so the fact that I’m putting effort in should clearly prove my undeniable villageriness to the world.


Answer me this, am I Arbiter or not?

Yes, because i disguised James as Arbiter to fuck with you guys. Congratulations, you figured it out!

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