my moms dead…
sorry for ur loss
i should start saying no u more
nah Im just kidding, but ur mom jokes aint funny. No u’s though they prime quality joke
bruh, im sorry for making you feel sad
i didn’t feel sad
it was just a bruh moment
i claim this
Why are we claiming already
you don’t have to claim
Marg has Fk hysteria basically.
FoL 17 in their logs matches up with this PoV perfectly
Moreover Mag is self proving
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why you have orange name
Why did u claim?
how come me hjas or gamerpoke don’t get a cool colored name for being pros
because my class is cool and i wanted to tell everyone that my class is cool
so which are you using fire or thunder?
both kills right
thunder because it like thunder more than fire tbh
they are both situational kills yes