[SFoL] SFoL 50: ๐”Š๐”ฏ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก๐”ข โ„‘๐”ก๐”ข๐”ž - Endgame

Youโ€™re fine

Game is lol balance anyway. Itโ€™s not an FoL or SFoL or something like that

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Donโ€™t get the reference

Itโ€™s an experience.

Game of Thrones writing took a nosedive during the 8th season

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nah you were right.
i hypothetically could have won after this part, but the thing about wincons is that they must be met before the gameโ€™s endstate, which if im reading this correctly would have happened after the night anyway

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@MaximusPrime I have failed you! :disappointed_relieved:
Anyway! GG

8th? 7th, and season 5 was mostly trash too

Boss didnโ€™t plan around GI bullshit



Sorry Boss. <3

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just wanna say:
and people question why i do stuff like instinctively distrust the people who say they have a n0 bd read on me

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No one did except Astand.

I was โ€œconfirmedโ€ town even after convert was revealed to be day.

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nah but stuff like that is the same logic for distrusting the town leader.

no one is ever truly confirmed 100% and whatnot

Expectations subverted


i just want to say the highlight of this game for me was when for about an hour geyde changed the title based off a funny comment i made

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was there any nks this game

I think Noz was?


oh @Geyde what were margโ€™s abilities?

Antinatural - For this cycle, abilities that would heal will instead perform an attack and abilities that would attack will instead heal the target.
Conjure Familiar - Marg gains a familiar NPC. The familiar NPC will stay on her and die on her place if she is attacked. Notify her of that.
Regeneration - For this night, you may cast Let Me Help You freely if it is not on cooldown. Notify her of that.
Solidification - Marg has to pick a player. Said player will have all passives and abilities disabled for the remaining of the cycle, but will be immune to all forms of death as well.
Ressurection - Marg has to pick a dead player. Notify her of that. They will be brought back from the dead.
Word Mastery - For this night, Let Me Help You will protect the target it is on even from unhealable offenses.
Exploding Mark - Marg has to pick an alive player. Notify her of that. If said player is lynched, Marg will be night immune that night.
Propagation - Marg has to pick an alive player. Notify her of that. The player will start bleeding and will die in two nights unless healed.
Constituition - All scum players have now bleed immunity.
Transgression - Marg gets a NK wincon and leaves the BD. Notify her of that.