[SFoL] SFoL 50: ๐”Š๐”ฏ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก๐”ข โ„‘๐”ก๐”ข๐”ž - Endgame

Thereโ€™s this thing call gut read and weird feeling. Sometimes when you see a post the first thing to come to you mind is an abomination of peanut and tomato combine into one giant monster thatโ€™s screaming โ€œI am scum!โ€. You get what I am saying?

does pkr actually have a post restriction?
does the passive giving it have 5 eโ€™s in it?

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Will go into more detail later after I get to my laptop

Complicated, hence why PKR prefers using flavourโ€ฆ Especially since cannot speak much more D1. Needs to keep things fun and flavour is fun!! PKR needs a translator to help commoners who donโ€™t understand him

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if these are true and the threat for breaking the post restriction is modkill then you good fam

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i will free you from it

PKR is fine with this if others need help. PKR is true hope child, will bare with what he has until it gets too much, then will get help from fellow ultimates. Such as Ultimate Psychologistโ€ฆ He sees the Builder has taken a page from my book post death.

its a free action. i can help others

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I asked Why you didnt say other posts that pinged you when you fossed

/vote fire

i can help others as well as you*

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Only few posts And all about scp

(Other than other fluff post)

So you still need an extra detail explaining why those posts give me a weird feeling or no? If not, I will do other things like creating a chainsaw cannon

Second option

PKR confusedโ€ฆ Looking through library for correct section and book but results seem weird. Hope he is referencing right area.

PKR used library before for Jake, Ultimate Royal seems weird. Honestly reminds more about Junko and Mukuro than anything hopeful. Way more Junko aligned and despairful than hopeful

Which character am I related?

Thatโ€™s true. But we should wait first however as during that time most of the people are fluff posting

OH. PKR understand now, library resource found. Donโ€™t do yet, will be useful to have discussion in room another time, neighbours are good at discussing ^-^ Itโ€™s like Sakura and Aoi, good friends know when to act together.

Unsure, need more resources to discover. Simon is most like PKRโ€™s OC but is like a Sakura to his Aoi.

@Simon need help. Much like Aoi gets help from Sakuraโ€ฆ Can PKRโ€™s Sakura express a distaste for vanilla citizens? PKR personally loves them like the reserve corps except more unique, reserve corps at least enjoys videos and went to class whereas vanilla plainness is refreshing.

Or anyone else can.