[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

Debated it but then would be outed if Maxwell bled. I didn’t think Maxwell would think me GK because Wazza died no one left to convert

He may have submitted that and didn’t know

I didn’t know I couldn’t target king my first game or two

Please invite me too


Done, mesir

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Why the fuck would I lie as town

So at the and datbird was mafia?

Because lying was more believable than the truth.

The ends justify the means. As town, your entire goal is to convince the other townsfolk you aren’t evil. You would be lying, but it would have looked a lot better than saying you were targeting King and that you targeted Kai the night he died.

Blue was; he converted Dat. We had the final vote on him too…all we needed was your quickslam.

Apparently people were shocked that I was scum in dead chat lmao.

I’m more shocked Maxwell managed to invite both starting Cult into his log network Day 1 lmao


Dumb odds lmao

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To be honest I should have been a suspected convert much sooner because of this.

I think i caught on one or two days after Wazza died. The issue was that most town was AFK that day and Math refused to vote you (rightfully so) so we couldn’t make any progress other than lynching other AFKs.

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@Alice when it came down to just myself and Maxwell, how likely did you think it was that we would win?


Yeah sorry its all my fault cuz I told the truth

Well the thing is realistically you couldnt target somebody with a kill if u killed Kai which I think u claimed the day before, so thts why we voted you. Your truth telling wasnt wrong but if you knew how your ability worked, you knew you wouldnt be able to shoot anymore since you were guilty of killing HoB


and since we knew that you couldnt shoot and you claimed to shoot again it made sense to us that u were lying. In all honesty we didnt see the i didnt know I couldnt shoot angle, but hey people make mistakes

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You can play the game however you want mate, but as I mentioned…if you roll town, you need to convince others you are town by any means necessary. We could have done a little more research into why you’d claim you killed Kai and still claim able to kill king, but it didn’t seem like you wanted to game solve.

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I think there were a few factors here:

  1. The previous night had been really weird (PKR dying), which made everyone kind of unsure what was and was not an accurate flip, and thus more likely to latch onto the first explanation that at least sort of made sense.
  2. Since people were already suspicious of you (Lymphoma), that made them less likely to search for an alternative explanation when it appeared they had caught you in a lie. For various reasons (not acting in a pro-town way during the day, imperfect understanding of your abilities, attempting to kill obvious HoB rather than obvious evils, etc.) people already didn’t trust your Duelist claim.
  3. It did in fact appear that your logs contradicted those of Possessed, and people were eager enough to just wrap things up that they didn’t invest much effort into ways that could happen while both your logs were still truthful from your points of view.

In future games, I would recommend putting more effort early on into trying to actually solve the game, so that people don’t see you as inherently suspicious.

Blue claimed you visited Magnus which we ALL knew was a lie. I think this was one of the situations where no information is better than real information. There was no outward explanation for PKR dying besides a Duelist claim using Zornhau; you wouldn’t have even HAD to lie, just hit the /Vote Bluestorm and its GGEZ

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