[SFoL] SFoL 51: Hand of Byzantium III - (3/16) - Completed

They’d have to be AFK with no night actions for awhile…and even then its up to host discretion. I was in a game where I was scum and my scummate was AFK…never got replaced out and didn’t get hung until 3-4 days later. It was brutal.

Why wait to vote him out? Fireslol is VERY transparent. If he doesn’t show up to this thread or does and acts funny, he gets nightvigged…plain and simple.

That sucks

Yeah, happens.

Moral of the story is: Don’t wait for someone you perceive as AFK to get replaced out. Sometimes players can hide behind the AFK wall because they don’t know how to properly play as scum.

People do have lifes, some people are afk for a reason. We have to respect that. We dont know what’s the case yet. If he doesnt get a ping at SOD tomorrow or doesnt show up at all during today or the first half of tomorrow sure vote him out. But theres no problem with being a bit patient on day especially when we have like 48-72 hours on it to decide what to do

I get that Dat, I really do. That’s why I’m giving them the full day to do something before I want a bounty on his head. It doesn’t take a whole lot of time to check into a thread at some point in 24 hours, especially if you are town and don’t want to be vigged.


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The reason I have issues with voting AFK scum is because vocal scum could be found and.it would slow the games progress down. Vigging an afk is pretty safe since they aren’t contributing anyways.

I wonder if that is true for FM MGS, for voting instead of vigging.

Does FM have nightvigs? I thought they didn’t.

Ok better solution: Offensives can use AFKs as test dummies. Redirect targets to AFKs or RB an AFK.

People shouldn’t be inning to games if they will be busy and they are not going to play

Or at least tell to mod that they are replacing out

Lmao this is a fm term

There are no “vigilante” class on fol

Guess I haven’t been playing the right FM games lmao

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I interpret the FoL term as meaning a town kill class.

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Can I ask what were those reasons?

Ok makes sense if you didn’t know

Well theres vig who usually shoots people trying to survive, and we kinda have terms here like dayvig for a class that has day killing power, nightvig for the same thing but at night, claimvig for killing those you know their role, and slankvig for killing those that have low posts

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Claimvig is a term I haven’t seen yet…good to know.

it was a thing in one of the big games iirc either NDFM or VCFM

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