[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Now you’re in your town meta. You were really off yesterday and earlier today… you are usually more calm as town. Why were you throwing so much shade? And how come you thought I was being contradictory?

Arete, suggestion would be to find out whatever omega action caused Magnus to be crowned King.
If you find that and it’s restricted to only scum then we can hang Magnus.

Arete DID slip however it’s because they were Justiciar and not scum.

I’d bet New World Order since it changes who rules the world court.

I think that one is the most likely to have caused Magnus being crowned.

Which would suggest Magnus is the lost wolf?

I would have loved to have that ability.
Not going to lie.

If anyone speaks latin, please translate the Omega Action names.

Arete, consider trying to find out what New World Order does.

Good afternoon nerdies

I went on a research hunt and found Dies Irae means Mass Funeral.
Call of the Apocolypse is probably some sort of Pestilence mechanic.
Allegiance I would have assumed converts however it doesn’t appear as though they have that mechanic.
Submission is probably a mass occupy/prevention thing.
Omnisapience is related to religion - Probably how they know Priest/Mystic.

We know what CotA does.

Oh. Where?

This means “all-intelligent”

Arete said it.

Dies Irae means Day of Wrath/Judgment

Omnisapience isn’t latin but it has a similar meaning to Omniscience.

Yes, however I believe that means religious intelligence.

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That would make sense

" It is best known from its use in the Requiem (Mass for the Dead or Funeral Mass). An English version is found in various Anglican Communion service books. The melody is one of the most quoted in musical literature, appearing in the works of many composers."

^ From Wikipedia

Latin is mostly used in poems, such as Dulce Et Decorum Est (It is sweet and noble to die for one’s country)

I love propaganda.

New World Order is almost definitely what crowned magnus. Anyways, who wants to discuss the whole “magus going silent” thing?