[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I think the only level 3 player on this forum currently active is Alice

Sheā€™s partially stopped doing the thing but I still think she was doing it earlier.

Interpret either way as you wish.

I could also interpret that post as you trying to clear yourself of association with your scumbud Priestess

You could! Youā€™d be wrong, but youā€™re certainly capable of interpreting it that way!

you signed up for this game

please actually play it

Hja: ā€˜PKR might be scum based on his openingā€™
PKR: immediately vanishes from thread

Marshal is a good avenue to pursue imo

Why did you out your slayers gambit without actually catching someone you thought was scum with it?
You had no chance of being lynched today so I donā€™t see why you wouldnā€™t stick with it longer than 2 hours to catch someone.

Seems like an easy excuse for your scum indicative actions.

Of course i do.

Is that going to involve actually reading the thread?

Thereā€™s 24 others doing that lol

Is that a yes or a no

Some of it. Not going to read 1000+ though

ā€¦Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m capable of responding to that while maintaining politeness.

Thoughts on Priestess?

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Suspicious bd

Why that?

I was playing minecraft

But minecraft is for kids

Damn, just because I leave for a short time people start to jump through hoops to think Iā€™m avoiding things? Well, desperation is pretty interesting, canā€™t lie.