[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Prepare for this squid to vent, cause she’s turning into a kraken

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i’ll invite you to scumchat or make it public or some shit


Credit to @Vulgard

Could not have won without him :ok_hand:

First off, in regards to the setup
This setup was scumsided, not for the reason that everyone immediately thinks of, but because of how the scum roles interacted with the Blue Dragon ones

The omega action of the main wolf kp was UNINTERACTABLE for BD, alongside being a permanent strongman
Every single kill that the scumfaction made was unstoppable due to their mechanics
Even if town had correctly chosen their targets, nothing would have happened
Their 2.25 kp was nigh uncontestable unless you were able to kill the wolf kp asap


Has town ever gotten swept out of the game more cleanly in any game on this site??

There was so much AtEs that it’s not fun anymore PLUS it caused a lot of people to replace out which were most likely Town which means Town literally fucking ditched mid game

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this is a def top 5 tbh


okay let’s not gloat too much.

But we did do good.

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i could not imagine anything identifiably worse for town

They were very close to killing the Wolf KP Asap.

I think Alt Universe was a good one

Scum was busted mechanically

But you guys played really poorly in general tbh

if that thunderdome lynched Marshall

Scum would have lost the game


Much of the KP bonus was to compensate the lack of NK, but I agree that I did go overboard on wolf KP in this setup.

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I take full responsibility for getting that thunderdome wrong.

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Nobody listens to me, do they? S I g h

This game was winnable imo.



Trust me, it wasnt lul

You called it one lynch to early.

BD had 2 lynches and 2 vig shots this match. Neither of them hit a Syndicate member.

Plus, forcing the Justiciar to out and the Prince being this obvious was just a recipe for disaster.