[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Like I said to Solic before. If you have a way to fix it, I’d be happy to discuss it.

Off topic vig

Apparently the ruling was that Prince isn’t necessarily redirection immune during the day, which is in fact how it’s been handled in the past.

I had this problem almost not at all in my games I hosted, but that was also because of the players.

Make a vig for every stupid thing players do that dossnt help town, to make the best players. /s

Where does Prince say that Redirection Immunity is not on daytime?

It specifies that the occupation immunity at least is night only.

Moral of the story: Let italy handle mechanical talk, because he comes from a place where mechanics are everything.

But it doesnt work

Not always, but if you do it right…

Did u do it right this game

I couldn’t be bothered to help town. It’s an issue. Also there were no mechanics to take advantage of with how many anti-thing mechanics evils had

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If you want an example of good and productive mechanical talk I’d say the last day of Class of Cults qualifies.

I kinda skimmed through it but I would agree due to the game state and the win bd pulled

Get the info you want. Never let them into your head, to read or take advantage of. No matter what.

There was also a FOL we easily solved with mechanics due to us getting like 2 maybe 3 lunches perfect and we just solved PoE mechanically after that. It can be done right but it’s usually end game and not day 2

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I come from a magical land where nearly everything is mechanical deduction. Let me handle the mechanical talk or i’ll betray BD >:(

That’s gamethrowing. :stuck_out_tongue: vvvv

Well Italy all I can say is ur not gonna improve as much or as fast if u never try anything but mechanics. I would love to see ya grow into a stronger player by trying some non mechanic reads. But if u dont want to I cant force ya

I can gamesolve socially if I really want to, but it’s just a case of “do i feel like putting in all that effort today”

Well I’d love to see you do that. I want to see Italy at 100% power. I know the feeling of being lazy but getting ur reads proven right is like the best feeling to me. Idk keep trying u got this. Dont let mechanics define you