[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Who would win

the virgin cult, or the Chad Syndicate

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Well, I lost the Abyss SFoL due to mechanics
And I won FoL 20 due to mechanics
I love using mechanics for strange shit :eyes:

Depends, are Syndicate convertable?

I get read on that when I get back.

School of Cults :eyes:

@Vulgard Did you find any of my suggested lessons for you helpful? If so which ones

All input is appreciated.
The one I remembered the most was the one about me not taking my reads as the ā€˜end all be allā€™ and that I should be more flexible, more ready to stopM


I should clarify ā€“ you are gifted at reading
I deserved to get deathtunneled to hell for how i was playing, and sadly, Arete by association

So donā€™t question yourself TOOO much, just always know that they always could be off for some reason or another.

Thanks Vulgard! I thought you played well too. Unfortunately your reads were just a tad off.

ā€˜just a tadā€™

You guys are too nice to me, but thank you :heart:


About mechanical talk

Only during game end is it even feasible, game talk during the start/middle just confuses the frick out of people and usually allows free space for scum to happily to their stuff while town have no general direction to go.

That wording only applies to occupation actually

True, because the wording is shit :eyes:
But as far as I know, the redirection wasnā€™t bypassing immunities.

Iā€™m happy :wink:


Btw Alice knew that Prince is immune, from begin onā€¦ :eyes: so yeah thatā€™s an intentional moderror

Intentional and Mod Error are contradictory


She ruled that Prince jail can be redirected, ergo it can be redirected. THERE IS FUCKING PRECEDENT FOR THIS from Triple Threat. Let it go. Prince can be redirected during the day, but not at night.


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We should host a forum mafia game where there are crazy classes and thereā€™s three different hosts who have three different interpretations of the interactions

Hey you can redefine the rules, thats okay, especially in a sfolā€¦ but then post them please, and dont stealthchange them.

Is there any past precedent for someone attempting to redirect a Prince during the day, and it not working?

Why are precedents even mattering?