[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Your version of LW isn’t universal!!

I posted all my info in my reveal post, but using Official Channels I’ve revealed the anti-claim thing yesterday, and am revealing the number of scumteam members/lack of conversion today.

Check the meme in my recent posts

You have no evidence whatsoever that it wasn’t a coincidence. Omnipotently was a very fair and understandable word to use when I used it. Please stop replying to me.

Unless I’m an investigative then I can never be 100% certain doesn’t mean I can’t have reads.

I was not lying when I said I’ll be fully confirmable tomorrow.

you can acknowledge that it does seem like more than a coincedence right?
i mean it’s not a very appropriate word to describe someone tunneling in the first place


I had never been tunneled like THAT

Arete, was I correct with what I stated?

What are vote counts at?

Sidenote: I’d like to request that an Obs watch me tonight if one exists, scum probably have some sort of ninja kill but just in case they don’t…

With which thing you stated?


Luxy jailed himself

PKR is Hunter who bled Luxy

You’ve stated a lot of things this thread, at least some of which were definitely false.

This was to Kyo.

Fire a truth bullet for us.


Italy. I forgot about this

I am waiting for Alice to process my action as we speak.

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