[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

by the by, do we have any handle on who’s bleeding?

Someone needs to ask if Arcane empower goes through Jail

It normally does.

Why are you so confident of this?

Guaranteed success includes jail, I think.

Just no, passive cannot bypassed.

So there is potential that Wazza faked the bleed on himself and claimed Chrono and got caught in a lie because his TW didn’t go through, or a strongman just killed Luxy that bypassed jail and healing

starts rotating through evidence HMMMMMMMM

I know he claimed Hunter, but I’m not sure if I can believe him just yet

PKR was incorrectly scumreading Luxy and then Luxy flipped Prince.


…Come to think of it, he has not mentioned being concerned about that even once. The person he bled flipped Prince. I would think it would make you feel something if you were town. I’m… not actually sure what it means for PKR’s alignment. Maybe he decided not to talk about it out of shame… yeah, no, I’m not getting anywhere if I go along this line of reasoning.

And this happened only after people brought this up.

When it did happen, however, it felt very genuine. So my overall impression is that PKR’s assessment of his bleed came very late, but it felt very real… so he’s probably town based on that alone.

I don’t know. I don’t like reading people like this because I don’t feel confident about it at all. Emotions can be faked. I have done it before and other people have done it before. I’m almost inclined to say emotions are never AI, but…

…yeah. I’m not in the greatest mood right now for a variety of reasons. I will save this for post-game though. I don’t think there is any point talking about it now.

Anyway. I still think PKR is town outside of what I’ve mentioned in this post. I can share the things I’m more confident on if anyone asks for it.

Idk I like PKR and I have faith in people and at first I had the same mindset as him so I don’t think the bleed came from a point of scum. If you are actually Justicar it might’ve been obvious to you that he was town but originally I was SRing Luxy until mid to late D1

Yeah that’s understandable

PKR messing up his class isn’t referring to him bleeding the Prince, it’s referring to him claiming to have beared the night after using Wolf, which is impossible.

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What do you think of the thing earlier with him claiming an impossible bear?

…Sorry. I really shouldn’t be posting right now.
Anyway. If you’re right, then… it looks much worse for him than I first thought. I did have a strong initial townread on him though…

Arete I almost did something last night and now I’m really glad I didn’t lmfao

I don’t know that’s kinda suspicious. Tbh I am having difficulties separating people from players and I gotta stop liking people just because I like them as a person

I’m not sure if this makes any sense, but I’m going to leave a crumb here.
I hate my N1 action, but I’m not going to say what it was.

Okay if I’m reading Tele’s soft correctly she’s a VI :upside_down_face:

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Crumbs are not supposed to be announced.
What am I doing. I shouldn’t be posting.