[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Shouldn’t **

He’s also trying to restrict town from a clear. That’s also failing.
Hang him today. If Arete is scum here we’ve basically lost anyway.

/vote SirDerpsAlot

Imagine being Justiciar and confirming a fake Justiciar claim by outing the exact information the fake Justiciar claimed to out.
Imagine trying to fake Justiciar as scum when the real Justiciar can immediately disprove you with their day ability without even outing.


/Vote SirDerpsALot

I will conveniently gloss over the fact I did not believe Arete was clear based on that.

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I mean Alice wasn’t here for a while and I assume it’s like bleed you can’t change it if you said it, anyways if I was mafia why would I push arete if I know their justicar when I could 100% conf a kill tonight and be done with it

Oh also someone go and check if Solic was pushing on being King for swear fealty after he claimed that he doesn’t believe conversion is in play.

What’s the point of Swear Fealty then?

Anyone pushing for being King has probably gained towncred considering what happened with the King being replaced. I wonder why a scum member would push for kingship when they knew the King would be replaced.
Unless it’s not the scumteam that replaced the King and it was in fact the lost wolf. That would be a mess.

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Exactly. That’s why I’m asking if he claimed he’d swear fealty instead of guard after he claimed he believes conversion was not in play.
It’d confirm it was a desperate attempt for King.

Looks at Centuries.

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It’s a lone wolf that supposedly did it.
How would they know that it’d be replaced?

They would do this for towncred. I even said this in the previous statement.
I’m an idiot.

Do we know that for sure?

You never even explained what I was being contradicting about, but I wasn’t being contradictory

Vul, I sympathize with you. I am probably going to take a more passive approach to this game in order to figure out things from behind the scenes for a little bit. I really wanted to be the person that gamesolved this game but now I just kinda feel like I suck and I need to re-examine everything, which is fine. But at least some of our scum reads are scum, probably. It is probably more beneficial to start with the “confirmed town reads” first. Also my slot is probably better played passively anyway :confused: I actually came in with a plan in mind for late game, but then I lost control of my emotions and I wanted to tunnel because I was angry and I was bitter and I was desperate to be right about something for once


Tell me what else New World Order could do apart from being associated with the King.

Does that seem like a lost wolf action?

Push on you to signal to main group that they are scum?

I’m not saying New World Order didn’t do the King replacement thingy. I’m wondering if it’s 100% certain that the ability came from the lost wolf.

Arete has said it has came from a lone wolf.