[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

The giant LOL indicates sarcasm pretty hard

I already explained this -_-

I told you that you probably shouldnt but meh go ahead if you wnat to just fuck it.

everyone else said donā€™t go for it.

one maybe and like 3 noā€™s is far from permission, freind

IF he was GF

why would scum make him king

he loses whatever abilites hes had as his original role for kings

Apparently scum keep abilties as king or smn, scum also have tailors

Could also be LW immune to invests or smn similar

I was Butler.
I couldā€™ve occupied.

If they can

Thatā€™s fucking broken as shit

Which question are you responding to? Also, please explain that crap again cause Iā€™m not in the right condition to scroll through past posts

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Anyways I need to sleep now so see you guys tomorrow

It was roughly 30/40 posts ago

I wish I can explain why Magnus is town, but I only have a mechanical explanation in which I got him as BD on D1.

Magnus does that as town. Yes, his stupid meta allows me to push him whenever I really want to if I were scum, but I suspect scum replaced Hja with him so they could mislynch him the moment he did something like this

You didnā€™t answer my first question. Which point were you responding to?! Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m being a dumbass thanks to the fever that is based off a meme. but god Iā€™m confused af


Sorry about that.

30~40 posts
Seriously maggie go back and grab it for Squid
Itā€™s not that hard right? Itā€™s your post if im reading correctly

It would make sense to do that

Magnus is LHF, and we honestly should have expected Magnus to do this tbh

I think so.
Iā€™m not sure anymore.

And I really doubt any scum would tailor on Magnus the first night.

Of course, unless Marshal is scum and Kyo was actually Priest urgh.