[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed


Gotta go now

Pkr or Jake


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NK probs

Iā€™m sEriOus

And I have to go in 5 minutes


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Sulit please.
If you can actually sell me on PKR/Jake somehow then Iā€™m listening, but oof.

I can later

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That was funny

Havenā€™t read up at all who else are we thinking about lynching besides derps

Also didnā€™t solic slip there were no conversions before it was said

Point me to it please. I will check Derps and Solic later in the day because these are the two people I really should check right now.

I find PKR really weird (tell me if Iā€™m reaching here please)

So heā€™s been outed hunter since like D1 or D2 if I remember correctly, but didnā€™t he like slip up with his N1 actions and Arete sussed him for it?

Isnā€™t it weird no one cricked back to him or payed attention to him because of this?

I think he slipped up and part of the reason for the thunder dome was to draw attention away from him.

I wanted to go look at his opinions and early posts D2 but I donā€™t have time rn and gotta go

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Itā€¦ does feel a little performative from Solic there. Not sure where the scumslip is though? I donā€™t see him mentioning conversion in any of these messages.
Geydeā€™s post is hilarious, thank you for that one.