[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed



I know I’m the person he was sheeping but he didn’t even hesitate… eh. It’s probably not a big deal.

It’s like KyoDaz’s play. Leveling exists. Besides Kyo’s play had merit to it. Derps could just level and get away with it I think.

It’s honestly kinda weird to see this after I get scumread by Kyo for doing that. Doesn’t feel like he and Kyo are on the same team, honestly, and the Kyo/Marshal thunderdome hasn’t even begun at that point.

He says it pretty quickly.

Then changes his mind and votes Marshal.

But he still considers town!Marshal.

I disagree on what he says here, but I like the fact he’s open to possibilities and looking at people other than the thunderdome even though we would always lynch within the thunderdome.

I remember laughing when I first saw this and I’m still laughing now.

He did call out healing Tele.

I honestly believe him here. What the hell.

Open to possibilities. Trying to make plans and heal the people who probably should be healed. I like this.

You know, I kinda understand thinking about it like this. I thought along these lines myself until I considered the other side and decided to flip my push, at which point Kyo TMI slipped.

Yeah I understand this mindset from a town perspective.

I remember liking this response when I asked him why he had so much conviction. I still like it now.

Yeah… I understand this, sadly enough. Note that he is not interacting with Kyo whatsoever here. He’s just talking to other people. They don’t really seem aligned (Derps and Kyo) aside from the fact they both want the same outcome.


I’m thinking he was just confbiased toward the end of the day - about Marshal.

That seems to prove the tunnel. This is SoD3.

He did the same thing to Arete who was Justiciar. Derps is either expertly leveling by tunneling lock town (which would mean Derps is scum) or he is town with horrible tunnels and voting patterns (like me before).

Ngh… I kinda buy this? I want to believe this honestly.

He… got townier when accused and about to get quicklynched. Trending upwards.

Flip-flopping. Funny how he changes his mind when Marshal townreads Magnus for something.
Derps seems extremely prone to tunneling and bias. Which is NAI unless, again, he’s expertly leveling.

Before people call it a scumslip, I think it’s actually a towntell because Derps does have a tendency to do this sort of thing as town. If someone is town in his eyes, he will call them town even when there’s no 100% certainty.

He’s still open here. It’s funny, because he is prone to tunneling and open at the same time. He’s kinda erratic but every single push has conviction (however unfounded).

Open to ideas. Progression. He is actually getting out of the tunnel, or letting the scummier people get lynched before Marshal. I like this. He’s not going to push here. He’s not trying too hard for the mislynch. He could have abandoned it much earlier but he didn’t (because he was tunneling).

If Derps is actually leveling here (leveling - doing dumb things as scum that town could reasonably do because they’re uninformed, for the sake of being/remaining townread), he’s been doing that really well and he would have completely fooled me.

You know, I believe this.

On second thought this doesn’t seem as jarring. Derps does seem to be a little erratic with his pushes sometimes, but he keeps his mind open and his thoughts free-flowing. Basically I’m still okay with that post.


Super hyper town for that one. He literally outed my cipher which I tried to relay to Marshal just because. This was super town in retrospect. As scum he would’ve just told his scumbuddies and done nothing about it.

I guess it’s not outside of a player’s scumrange but I don’t believe this came from scum!Derps. I think saying this is another example of expert leveling would be confirmation bias. It just makes Derps town to me. There were signs before, but this is the cherry on top.

Derps is town, we’re not lynching him. Sorry guys.

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oh come on vulgard.

I thought you were mking some decen reads this gam

You guys were saying he looked really scummy by association with Kyo but to me he actually doesn’t. The way he interacts with Kyo, or rather, doesn’t interact is remarkably different from how Wazza did it. Derps didn’t necessarily think Kyo was super BD, he just thought Marshal was super scum. He did defend Kyo, but that was because he tunneled on Marshal and he is still doing that.

I really believe this read. Derps is town this game.


ah yes, the open minded derps who totaly hasn’t tunneled me all this game

Your perspective is different because he’s been tunneling you for two days, but I look at it from the sidelines and see misguided town.
This isn’t scum leveling.

I pointed out examples, didn’t I? Don’t you get tunnely/confbiased too.

His argument for me ws tht kyo wouldnt mke those plys s scum.

I get confbiased, but your read don derps has some points that are bhatently wrong.

he lost all logic and we nt full tunnelvision once i started fighting back.

If course he would keep an “aopen mind” when tha votes are 7_0

Whoa calm down

Typing like crazy

I am being calm.

What makes you think i’m not being calm?


my keyboard is broken(my a key too) and so it sometimes randomly spam-backspaces and i have to hold the a key down to stop it(but that means i cant type the letter a)

it works right now, but sometimes i have to spam the spacebar to keep it from deleting my whole message.

SoD2. …What is he doing? I know he’s going to be mad about this but these types of posts are… ugh. They just feel so fake at first glance. Eh, whatever.

Lots of reads. There is actually followup right now (Solic came back to the Derps vs Italy interactions), so he does care about the reads he makes. Good look for that.

I didn’t say this before (or didn’t think that before), but this feels pretty towny in retrospect.

You know… now that I revisit this response, as much as it annoyed me at the time, it feels pretty towny. I can feel the towny thought process here. Rebuttal, rebuttal, rebuttal, progressively getting angrier because I just kept going.

This is also pretty towny. He is paying close attention.

All the time. It could be considered scummy, but I buy town motivation there. I regret saying he wasn’t trying to solve the game. He is.

We certainly will.

Solic is town. I could end the ISO right here. I was blind as hell. These posts just scream town to me. Unless Solic is a genius at faking emotions and towny progression, but… no. This is town. Town town town town.

I… think I missed this before? This is very good. Like, all of it.

T o w n. Reactiontesting someone he was focusing on. This was really good.

Y e s.

That’s… an interesting strategy. You guys should probably unvote Magnus, whoever is reading this. Yes, that includes you, Solic. :eyes:

He just… didn’t answer. I should’ve expected it. But honestly this just makes him more town for me. Annoying (because he’s not communicating with me and I want him to), but town.

Skipped over my explanation but it’s irrelevant now.

Solic is also town. Hello, I believe I found two town I was unsure about.

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Please give me specifics so I can fix the read then / explain it. My reads aren’t genius. I’m honestly not very good at explaining things and that’s why I will never become a teacher.

With Solic and Derps town I’m here:

Wazza -> Italy -> Magnus -> Centuries probably.

Leaves one scum, funnily enough.

If Derps is town it’s kinda weird to be neighborized with Hja. Maybe scum expected to mislynch Derps today so they could get two town for the price of one?


glares at Jake.


Two but this slot is lock town.

Three but this is towncore (still wary, but not as much as some others).

?!?!?!?!? I’ve just noticed this. Marshal, why?


Marshal, calm thyself. You literally gave Magnus an excuse to Grand Trial and get towncred. That’s why he did it.


If Marshal wasn’t lock clear I would be putting a target on his back right now because ??!?!?
Anyway Jake starting the Derps bonanza feels really wrong but I can’t put my finger on why.

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