[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Hja’s LotR reads were legitimately really good (apart from the thing where she shot you :upside_down_face:), I think you’re underestimating her.

Why Centuries? Your townread on them seems really sudden.


Remember when Boss got mislynched because no one listed to me in LOTRFM? Yeah don’t make the same mistake. I am good at knowing who town is

Yes you got 1 right read means all you say is right

Because She did

This is a bad argument

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Mostly because she shot me and I am vengeful. But in general she is not as productive as I would like a king to be. Also I didn’t like town at all in that game (sorry) so yes I am spiteful but I don’t think she would be a good leader. Centuries was Good King in the game that I was Priest and he is acting the same so I think he’s town and also he is a good Good King from my perspective

Not really, I know what I know. I am good at knowing who is town when everyone else wants to mislynch

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Not productive because I killed you in LoTR or is there actual reason for that

Every game I’ve been in with you really. Not productive reading wise

Boss was obv!town in lotr and got lynched due to an apathetic town.

Priestess is not

Its like saying ‘hey I scumread well so follow me into every lynch guys’


PKR’s first three posts in LotR FM, note that while he does get into mechanical talk later he doesn’t start out that way.

PKR’s first three posts in Clown Fiesta, where he was scum.

His opener here is incredibly similar to his opener in Clown Fiesta, which makes me think Hja is right here.

What makes you think I am not productive read wise

Because you can make that argument for anyone otherwise

You need more than 2 games for a meta read to actually be worth it

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Because every FM game I’ve ever played you’ve been in and you’re not

I think hjasik is more productive than you, just saying.

Has anyone discussed what the setup may be?
Because if we follow the normal FoL proportions of 2 start scum, NK, 2-3 Neut, King, 9-10 BD

Then we get: 10,2,1,2,King or 9,3,1,2,King for 16. (BD,Neut,NK,Factional,King)

I think we might end up having 2 NKs or just a big scumteam with the claimvig to help cut through BD numbers. Plus Neutrals will be a fair bit higher than usual

And I think you’re scum :woman_shrugging:
