[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Alternatively he has just spewed Hja as locktown because she had Swear Fealty and he inherited it? I’m just speculating here, maybe too much over a minor thing.

Another ping from Magnus. I don’t like the fact he keeps pinging me this game.

I’ve never pinged you

It’s in my card.
However, that doesn’t mean much, considering Alice originally forgot to update the Goal

…Pinging me as scummy, not literally pinging me.

“It’s in my card” =/= “I can use it”
You made it sound like you could use it and that’s scummy because I don’t think you should be able to. Actually let me ask Alice about that, maybe she can answer me.

So specify

It’s a night ability, has a use.
Pretty sure it should be 0 uses.


Gotta go now

Pkr or Jake


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NK probs

I’m sEriOus

And I have to go in 5 minutes


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Sulit please.
If you can actually sell me on PKR/Jake somehow then I’m listening, but oof.

I can later

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