[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed


That’s quite achievement

I’ve slammed the concede button, shoosht peasants

PKR: Claims one of the few BD roles that can bleed
People: “PKR must be scum who multi-bleeds”

Why would I want to claim Hunter as scum if I could bleed? :expressionless:

Tfw both scum and town think you’re evil

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(I don’t scumread you nor townread you, you took Luxy away ;-;-;-; (._.())
This question basically says:
“Why would I want to confirm myself as scum”

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Vote Counter

Accused Voters Vote Count
KyoDaz Marshall, PKR, JaketheWolfie, Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming, Maxwell, Vulgard, Shurian, Sulit, Frostwolf103, WazzaAzza, KyoDaz, Centuries 13
Marshall SirDerpsAlot, Cheeki, Soulshade55r, PoisonedSquid, Teleology 5
WazzaAzza H_Hja 1

KyoDaz has been lynched.

Due to supernatural forces KyoDaz’s class has not been revealed to the court.

Night two has started and will last for 24 hours. Please send in your night actions by then.


/replace in if still needed


Sorry for being offline, yesterday was my birthday and the forums went offline when I tried to log on. Then I slept. Sorry, here now.

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Kai_5 has replace Maxwell.

You know the drill, don’t talk about replacements.


The second night has ended and four corpses were found.

Teleology has died. She was…

The Archer

Blue Dragon Killer
Multi-shot (Day) - If you fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight, remove all marks and attack any other player whose mark was removed. You are immune to redirection this night. - 2 uses
Eagle Shot (Night) - Fire an arrow to kill your target. This ability is disabled if you kill a member of BD with it. - Infinite uses
Bulls-eye (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer passively death immune. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the unknown threat looming in Castle Adiart.

We found the following logs on her.


In logs:

  1. Magnus — Townlean unless LW. Magnus is just being Magnus… he softed Butler D1 with the poison and he claimed Butler D2 after he was king saying that he forgot to use a night action… it’s just so believable coming from him. Plus I think he was kinged one order to get us to mislynch him unless he crowned himself as LW
  2. Frostwolf103 — slight town, I liked her contributions D2
  3. Italy — slight scum — despite my better judgement that Italy is not in his scum meta, it pings me that Wazza or Italy is evil, and in that case Wazza seems to be town to me. Also the Sage ability and the fact that Italy was lowkey shading Wazza but didn’t follow through with it.
  4. WazzaAzza [Bled D1] — town lean — chrono / has made good contributions toward the end of D2 and his reasoning seems to make sense and his anger comes from town imo
  5. Ozzkozz — null/slight scum — basically I’m SRing Ozz because he has been taking a neutral stance on a lot of things (although I liked that he picked a side on the MvK thing yesterday) and I am reading him as either a neut or scum.
  6. Jakethewolfie — town lean / in his town meta
  7. Cheeki — slight town / hasn’t posted much, but his posts are meaningful and towny
  8. Jgoesgaming — slight scum / just has not contributed as much as I would expect from him
  9. Sulit — town lean / very helpful, asked a lot of questions
  10. Solic [Bled D2] — slight town / I only read him as town because he was bled
  11. H_Hja — town lean / in her town meta
  12. Maxwell — town / checked as NS by Arete N1
  13. Priestess Vulgard — Not Butler — town lean / in his town meta
  14. SirDerpsAlot — Physician — slight town / lazy town, posts aren’t as deliberate as I would expect them to be if he were scum
  15. Marshal — scum lean / Kyo was town therefore Marshal is scum (he was cleaned for a reason people…)
  16. Arete — confirmed town / Justicar
  17. Soulshade55er — slight town / actually posted D1, I liked the beginning posts
  18. Shurian — town lean / very pure and genuine, tries to get people involved
  19. Teleology — Me
  20. PoisonedSquid — slight town / AtE follows town meta
  21. PokemonKidRyan — slight town — Hunter or “Club” Leader / softed a bleed on Luxy D1
  22. Centuries — slight town / acts the same as the town game I played with him. Goes aggro on people to get reads from them.
  23. Geyde Blizer — null/slight town / Geyde’s AtE makes me feel like his slot is probably town in all honesty…

Uh oh, I cleared 2 people because I originally only had 4 scum. So here’s how it is:

Italy/J/Marshal/Ozz confirmed scum

Squid/Solic/Centuries/PKR potential scum

Magnus/Vul potential LW if the potential scum are all town

Night actions:

Tele — Archer
N1: Mark (BE) Geyde
N2: Kill (ES) Jgo

Note: If I’m dead Geyde’s slot is no longer self-resolving, also Derps said he would heal me

Arete has died. They were…

The Justiciar :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Investigative
Forbidden Knowledge (Passive) - You know that the enemy faction that you are facing is the Syndicate. In addition to this, you know…

  • The Syndicate begins with 5 main members from the start and cannot convert.
  • The Syndicate is the only threat to the Blue Dragon and there are no Neutral Killers.
  • The Syndicate members will retain their actions upon becoming King.
  • The Syndicate knows which of the Priest, Mystic, or neither rolled in the match.
  • The Syndicate has an anti-claim mechanic in play.
  • The Syndicate has tailor and framing effects, and one of their members is a Godfather.
  • The Syndicate has a sixth member that does not join their chat.
  • The Syndicate has a class that has a backup for Omega actions.
  • The identity of the Prince will be told to you at the beginning of the first day.

Determination (Passive) - You cannot be occupied nor redirected, you may also use both of your night actions in the same night and both of your day actions in the same day. In addition, all protective effects on you fail if you ever claim or soft your true class.
Entrusted Correspondence (Day) - Select one of the first eight bullet points from Forbidden Knowledge and you can anonymously post it in the thread, effective informing the players of a mechanic from this setup. - Infinite uses.
Eldritch Learning (Day) - In the beginning of the first day you will learn the names of the Omega action of each member of the Syndicate. In each day you can choose the learn what the effects of each Omega action performs at the start of the night. - 6 uses
Judgment (Night) - Informs you whether your target is a member of the Syndicate or not. This bypasses tailoring and framing effects.
Forsaken Records (Night) - Select a Mark or a Counter that is used in an Omega action which you’ve learned of from using Eldritch Learning, and you will learn how many players have been marked with it already or are at a Counter of 2 for it. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Syndicate.

We found the following logs on him.


Please update my logs to read:
Arete - Justiciar
Post 6129 contains all my mechanical info, more-or-less, as of the time when I wrote the post.
D1: Entrusted Correspondence anti-claim mechanics being a thing
D1: Eldritch Learning Call of the Apocalypse - once every living BD is marked with a Mark of the Apocalypse, the Apocalypse starts and lasts as long as the relevant Syndicate member is alive, which makes all BD investigatives fail, makes Syndicate members night immune, and makes the factional kill bypass healing and immunity. Also, they get a dayvig once the apocalypse starts.

N1: Judgment Maxwell: Not suspicious
N1: Forsaken Records Mark of the Apocalypse: 1 person marked

D2: Entrusted Correspondence 5 members + cannot convert
D2: Eldritch Learning Allegience:
Essentially, all BD have a counter that starts at 0, it goes up by 1 if they’re on a Syndicate member at the end of the day and down by 1 if they’re on a BD.
If it goes negative, the following bad things happen:
-Minus 1: The Syndicate finds out their class type group
-Minus 2: Their votes will not count for King
-Minus 3: There will be a secret extra vote on them that doesn’t show (this stacks with another ability)
-Minus 4: They are occupied for the night
-Minus 5: They die

N2: Judgment Solic
N2: Forsaken Records Mark of the Apocalypse
Linked with Vul N2.

I don’t have time to make a full readlist for real life reasons, but:

DO NOT LYNCH MARSHAL. Vulgard and I talked about it and we’re confident for various reasons, that Vul can explain, that Kyo was the scum in Kyo/Marsh, making a play to get townies voting townies for Allegiance.

Jgoes is likely spewed town from Kyo trying to get people to vote him (which would trigger Allegiance) before EoD, not confident on this one.

Vul’s slot is town or LW

Maxwell is locktown

current primary PoE is Solic/Frost/Wazza/Derps/Squid/Tele/PKR

towncore is me/Maxwell/Shurian/maaaaaybe Magnus via Shurian’s check/Marshal/Vulgard/Hja

Jgoesgaming has died. He was…

The Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Nightshade Wine (Day) - Poison The King, causing him to die tonight if not healed. The king will not be informed if he is poisoned. If The King is Good, you will commit suicide. - 1 use, available starting Day 2 :crown:
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight (Bypasses occupy immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the unknown threat looming in Castle Adiart.

We found the following logs on him.


Jgoesgaming - Butler

N1 - Maxwell
N2 - Soulshade55er

Kai_5 has died. He was…

The Observer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Little Bird (Day) - Send a bird to track if target player leaves their room that night or not. In addition, you will learn if any players visited target player or not. You will be told at the end of the night. - 2 uses
Follow (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them. - Infinite uses
Stalk (Night) - Track a player to determine who they visit. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the unknown threat looming in Castle Adiart.

We found the following logs on him.


N1:Follow Geyde:Failed
D2:LIttle Bird Arete
N2:Stalk Marshal

Reality has been reshaped in respect of the following arcana!


Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices.

EoD1 Retrospective Vote Counter

Candidate Electors Vote Count
H_Hja H_Hja, Geyde, Arete, Luxy , Jgoesgaming, KyoDaz, Teleology, Shurian, Frostwolf103 9
Centuries Priestess 1
Magnus Magnus 1
Solic Solic, Maxwell 2
Priestess PokemonKidRyan 1
None Italy, WazzaAzza, Ozzkozz, Jakethewolfie, Cheeki, Sulit, SirDerpsAlot, Marshall, Soulshade55r, Teleology, PoisonedSquid, Centuries 12

EoD2 Retrospective Vote Counter

Accused Voters Vote Count
KyoDaz Marshall, PKR, JaketheWolfie, Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming, Maxwell, Vulgard, Shurian, Sulit, Frostwolf103, WazzaAzza, KyoDaz, Centuries 13
Marshall SirDerpsAlot, Cheeki, Soulshade55r, PoisonedSquid, Teleology 5
WazzaAzza H_Hja 1
None Arete, Solic, Magnus, Blizer 4

The third day begins today and will last 48 hours or until a player is executed. With 19 players alive majority is 10.

Alright who occed me

Not meh

Have Thanksgiving dinner tonight, will be on when I can

Also /vote marshal

Thanksgiving? EEW foreign holidays

This is what happens when you aren’t awake for EOD

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Marshal linked the Justicar tho?

Sorry dude, Marshal is lock clear