[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Accused Voters Count
Shurian Solic 1/9
Soulshade DatBird, Teleology, SirDerpsAlot 3/9
Marshal Shurian, Arete :crown:, KyoDaz, Soulshade 5/9
Priestess Vulgard 1/9
PoisonedSquid Priestess 1/9

I personally don’t mind how priestess interacted with myself I feel like priestess is that kind of reaction testy player and generally pushes, but I can agree to a certain extent that her joining my bandwagon was weird, (I even pointed this out on my reads list and feel like it was one of the genuine things I could only put aganist priestess even if it was based upon myself. again I feel like priestess Could of been trying to push me towards trying harder by joining the wagon I don’t think it’s a set case one way or the other, also it’s possible priestess could use this as a accuse but for what it’s worth It did generally push me to at least try harder and try to help town. So this action seems really null for me. (Not trying to whiteknight priestess but I’ll acknowledge that defending someone can be seen in that way).

I felt like this was a very “prietess” thing she generally reaction tests ect. While to a extent this is only from memory and I should be honestly looking at some of her town games soon I don’t know it feels like a priestess move from me.

(Thanks, it’s been a hard time getting better at fol at least I’m better then 2018 Fol Soul O_o that was a hot mess)
I felt like my main point was that defense was content even if it’s not the best sort of content it was early game I had hardly anything to point out apart from derps Isos which where hypocritical to say the least I don’t know if I’ve changed on derp but at some point today (in fol terms of a day) I want to look at derp again. I disliked the whole push on myself maybe I got really emtional but I was planning on making reads and I felt like everyone didn’t even give me a chance I also just woke up from a nap and first thing I got bombarded with people calling me scum.

I disagree with “following a Consensus” bd don’t get far if everyone just blindly agrees with each other it creates discussion and better pushes to play devils advocate sometimes or disagree with someone and not hide it I don’t think priestess not following a general consensus is needed.

I don’t really know priestess vs solic that well I generally felt like she was pushing solic in a way that because he was a veteran and she needs to create more of a reaction filled read based on how he interacts with others.

I think the same really goes for Jake and others.

TL: DR I think this is likely TvT, I just still need to look into priestess on other games but I don’t think this is priestess acting strange at least.

I might of skipped over things because I was interrupted while doing this -_-.

When I mean the same goes for jake, not the fact he’s a “vet” just I feel like priestess is a very “reaction testy” player.

Tbh the interactions between me and Soul feel very natural. It was tl;dr “Hey i’m gonna be unproductive” “hecking soul, stop being unproductive, can you help me with some reads” “ok I did that and you still scumread me??? I give up” “coward, go replace out, or fight” “ok”

What you describe is “worldbuilding”… which is a very, very scummy thing to do and I wouldn’t do that actively as BD ever. Fake claiming, fake slipping, lying, I’d do everything as town… but outright trying to build a fake world? The heck, why should I.

Ok what exactly is your problem with these posts? None of them is pure fluff/meme. Whatever I post, I do it for some reasons. Sometimes the reasons might be not very good, but I have almost always a deeper reasoning behind it.

It is a D1, my friend. I do a lot of shading and trying to play with the thoughts that someone is scum… pushing them… and seeing that my suspicions are unsustainable. I simply try to “not deathtunnel a potential BD”, cause that’s… welll… deadly.

If I ever can tell you the reasons for this one day, it’ll be 100% hilarious.

I am/was not on a wagon, and what even are you talking about??? And “therefore I’m town” is completely wrong, I never tried to use this bleed to say I’m town…

I didn’t clear Marshal from being mastermind, I just said none of the mechanical info we have is a hardproof for having Soul and him in a thunderdome. The most dangerous stuff which can happen to BD is a TvT fake thunderdome imho.
I want some explanations from Shurian to how it came to this fake thunderdome tbh.

Tl;dr: Vulgards scumread on me feels mostly genuine, with some weird things, but nothing too suspicious imho.

:thinking: explain your thoughts on that. You might be on something.

Lul, yes, I basically jumped on your wagon to help you clearing you from your suspicions - or to deathtunnel you incase I find you as scum in your reactions to me.

I thought so but of course I know you can use this as a excuse as scum, of course I sitll think it’s likely you did it for your reasoning’s that you just stated.

I’m pretty sure I can do most of the stuff I do as town also as evil, and the other way around, yeah… I don’t try to defend me with this. I just think my intentions are BD.

I know that feeling everyone can do the same thing as town and scum, that’s my biggest issue with reading people at points.

I think I’m an extreme case in this tho… I don’t see many people doing so much questionable stuff as BD as I :upside_down_face:

I’m not 100% sure why I didn’t feel very comfortable with the thread, but now I feel like the last stuff was only posted by townies, pretty confident on this.
I don’t have a lot of scumreads in this game, I don’t think we have an obvious powerwolfer in this game. I’ll go and create an PoE, that’s kinda the way to solve this game I guess.

You shouldn’t really have “a lot” of scum reads

3-4 scum in game I dislike it when people have like 8 scum reads it feels dishonest.

Well, true :wink: that was kinda my issue with SFoL53
We are not searching for “a lot of scums”, we are searching just for a few.
And in my eyes “almost lock-town”-reads are very very valuable.

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I’m likely going to make a full reads lists on Arete next might take me even longer then priestess reads and may even need a small break over it but a king with a good chance of being evil is worth to look at

I honestly Don’t want to be a meanie to a Neutral King (Infact I love neutral kings). But that big chance of ek really doesn’t look nice.

Eitherway I think Arete should be left alone for now as I’ve seen some of there posts as general contribution and trying to help bd, this may change Idk.

Even if they are a neutral king, reading their associations is interesting, since they are a very good reader in my eyes.

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Hell it’s more 50/50 what kinda of king arete is he might be a more neutral sided other neutral king idk.

I don’t know why they would claim cowardly king if they where merc or alch king for example ¬_¬

One Arete read coming in 2 hous stay tuned folks

AHAHAHAHAHAHA you’re awesome



  1. Pretty sure based on what Marshal said he wasn’t occupied because he was referring to yesterday when he didn’t want to be occupied

  2. Okay I just saw that Soul claimed Observer and according to Kyo Marshal visited Vul. One of them is confirmed evil (Marshal/Soul) so why are y’all trying to vote outside of that thunderdome? It’s like Blizer and Italy all over again

  3. Here I actually definitely believe Soul’s claim over Marshal’s. I do believe Marshal is the type of person to claim Maid as MM.

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/Vote Marshal