[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

@SirDerpsAlot why wasn’t i hh’ed n1?

What even did you do n1? because the whole moon spirit thing could be good for a drunk fakeclaim.

He did nothing N1



Im pretty sure it was jake who did nothing n1.

They both did nothing N1

The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players.
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Debauchery (Night) - Get in a player’s way, causing them to target you. You are immune to all attacks and conversions redirected to you. - Infinite uses
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy a player, and disable any death or occupy immunity they have for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


/vote sirderpsalot if this is true

Show me a game of me where I deepwolved. What is the “Derps incident” and why would you scumread me for it?

Intrestnig to note that Arete first claimed GK

Pretty soon Arete claims cowardly king after, I like how Arete even says it’s mechanically better to posion them, I feel like scum would have avoided claiming cowardly king due to the high posion possiablity, while this might be a move just to get us to trust Arete more it’s intresting to note. (my biggest worry is Pk Arete). This could even be a Neutral "non-cowardly-king) aka a neutral king that can side with bd, just maybe if they outed as one they’d be less believeable then a neutral king So it’s a good chance Arete is at least neutral king or cowardly king just by roll wize.

I don’t know if this is a tatic to not get us to lynch Arete but either way they are simiply able to be posioned if not trusted, I personally don’t care about King, they aren’t that powerful the best thing about kings is that they are convert immune and have a early double vote.

I think some butlers die? Idk with some classes being old ones this game is super confusing for me.

Somewhat of a bad arguement I don’t like this arguement tbh, I know your smart arete I know you can pall off a ek/pk cowardly King fake claim.

But is it really a Punsh? it can help us in cases I don’t know I always felt like it was more of a neutral punsh as scum having a ek is a hard benefit to scum while only a soft benefit to bd having a king (in case of having no king)

Scum is Scum, Neutral is normally early bd then late game scum, whilst I rather focus on getting scum then neutral we always have to be careful of you but I felt like from what I’ve seen eariler (I’m no where near reading through everything yet) that you’ve been really helpful towards town and I’m happy to keep a neutral like you around, just that I worry with the big odds of you being evil so I do feel like we should keep a eye on you (I feel bad for you I know if I was in your spot I’d be unhappy with my roll, kings kinda cursed this game).

Well you’re welcome on me getting a semi “red check” on marshal, besides we got a butler claim you shouldn’t be a lynch in my eyes you should always be a butler posion unless butler dies (which I’m hoping doesn’t happen).

Might wanna check later if this is a thing, I’d be pretty sure Arete would of checked just to double check things I guess :slight_smile:

(Damn that sucks I remember how devistated I was when my laptop broke) Just keeping this in mind as FOL mobile sucks I’ve tried it before. This doesn’t sound fake or anything.

I really hope this is a joke e.e (I sometimes take things too seriously when reading people but idk)

I pretty much Disagree with massclaiming at this point, even though a lot of people have already claimed wew.

Well if someone flips Nk I’d be super aganist pushing arete
I like this somewhat while it’s not super detailed it at least shows Arete is pushing in a direction and being somewhat “pro-town” as a Neutral King claim

Somewhat can see this as a neutral arguement not wanting to die but also a scum sided one, I think it’s safe to say that arete isn’t GK trying to claim cowardly king if they are very pro-neutral ;p I don’t think this is a bad play as coward kang, just that it can be a ek/pk play.

Don’t know if Arete is aware of what I call “Priestess meta” Priestess is strange to read it’s nice to see Arete looking into Priestess, I feel like Priestess isn’t going to be a “easy” read we can’t really look at priestess in simple terms, they are playing 4D chess ;p. (I imaigne I’ll go through priestess’s other games at some point).

Sometimes I think it’s easy to assume it’s unseen rather then cult just because of the higher Unseen spawn rate, I’ve assumed it’s unseen before I think.

Possible that arete is claiming Cowardly king not to get attacked as GK, I don’t want to point this out but again I feel like it’s worth saying because scum might look into this, besides I don’t think scum would want to even kill arete based on me saying this, but it could be a possible big brain play.

Again this feels very neutral kingy/ evil kingy so I don’t personally know on this, I feel like Neutral king would be saying this sort of stuff but evil king would aswell so it’s hard to make a read based on this other then Null (not neutral, null and neutral reads are totally different things for me).

This is just reinforcing the Arete Vs Jake, I really wouldn’t mind pushing jake a little, even if people commonly lable him LHF, I feel like Jake needs to deal with pressure ect, he also played a pretty good scum game SFOL53. so we need to be more aware of jake and less passive about him (Sorry jakeo ;c)

Pretty sure Archers convert is a Unseen Killer.

I mean of course you’d be willing, but I don’t think inq is “pro Bd” I just view them as neutral (maybe slightly evil sided honestly). But I guess they can help in finding there evil heathen but outside that they aren’t going to be much of use to us, while I really don’t care about pushing them because I rather focus on getting nk out and unseen/(cult not likely a cult game).

Honestly blue outing there targets it helps bd more and we know if we can safely claim (not like that matters for half of us at this point).

Wait is this true? if this is then that’s pretty neat for heathens aslong as they don’t out.

Uh I thought inq could only have assassin? while this is just talking about how inq works this would be intresting to see, I think Inq can’t really attack assassin anyway unless they claim assassin so it may work in this way.

Yea, like priestess someone else suspecting Marshal before the thunderdome.

It’s sometimes hard to spot reaction tests, I would see town fake reaction testing but then again wouldn’t they just question the reaction test, scum maybe would do the same but I’m not 100% sure on that. I don’t see a reason why town would fake a reaction test unless they really wanted to just look townie as town. (generally trying to look townie on purpose is more of a scum thing to do imo, town should be trying to push lynches and reads while scum might try to do this they wouldn’t want so much atention on themselves while a strong town would want atention and to push things ect).

This is a possible pair (Arete was talking about marshal).

Just Arete repeating they aren’t Bd King (which is fine). Just wanted to take note of this.

Pretty sure this is correct at least. (don’t think butler dies based on the kings just based off what king they can’t posion).

Intresting I certainly think solic is town so far whilst I haven’t given them a full on look but good lord going through there posts scares me.

Not sure what “TMI” means, I also think it’s hard to judge that Priestess is Nk as I don’t recall her being nk yet.

Pretty strong point here, Jake should be looked into honestly They can’t be fully trustworthy at anyrate, Jake is a strange case to look into as they are improving (just like me wew!) at any rate I feel like Arete has a reason to push Jake at this point I think it’s pretty townie (even though Arete is a neutal)

Yep Yep I remember this well I’m thinking of looking into Jake if I can tonight he’s a Intresting fella, More Arete hard pushing jake, He might even be a good jail target if the pronce is listening in. I agree with this because I remember jake joked a lot about being wolf when wolf.

It’s 99% Unseen game which (is good imo cult is stronger).

I agree arete isn’t really trying to appear Bd (even though jake thinks so) While I think arete is trying to appear Hard Cowardly king).

Please don’t annouce Safeguards lol, doesn’t really help bd unless it’s “fake” to make solic appear safe, but if solic dies then you’ll be pulled into questioning I gues

OOOH arete how dare you, you should be siding bd because I said so, how dare you imply that nk needs you late game.

Neuts who don’t harm bd should count as neut neuts like SS should count as scum ez.

I feel like reading Arete’s Isos is 10 a youtube video of “10 reasons why to suspect jake as scum” of course I’m thinking about looking into jake after you or marshal or someone e.e so many people to read and talk about… Send help. But I’m conviced jake is slightly scummy at this point just reading him replying to you ect.

I like this, Arete is pushing for reads generally showing Arete as a someone we wanna keep around even if neut king, They’re trying at least.

Magnus is just a confirmed mystic slot, unless converted I really want magnus to try harder though

Even though I’ve said this a billon times I love the hard push on jake, This shows Arete is dedicated to there reads.

Agreed, “oh fuck” doesn’t sound like a townie response, could be sarcastic but it really doesn’t sound townie to me :wink:

Pretty sure we can have max-three-non-neutral slots including neutral king.

Don’t like how Arete keeps going on about posioning them but heck they’re alive at least, I feel like Town Jake may have posioned Arete I don’t know Jake just seems like that sort of player, even if they would die upon posioning arete.

This is true, I doubt Sellsword would want to claim Butler (Maybe in fol, even so I don’t think they give confirm messages and this can’t be a cult game, the only chance of Servant spawning is Pk

Ohh I don’t like this :frowning: I feel like this is somewhat manpulative of arete being a neut kang claim. e.e

Just feels like any scum player playing in the long run wouldn’t do this, honestly.

I agree that we shouldn’t be too rash about Arete I feel like they’ve tried to help town and this is only day one so far (I think)

Plz don’t do dis unless your playing mind games ;0

I agree with Arete playing to their wincon I really hope they stay neutral more then anything at least.

First off pretty helpful so this is also good from a neutral kang
Magnus makes sense as they are just practically confirmed.

Datbird I somewhat disagree with I don’t know how they act as town but I don’t really know how bird acts, bird currently a good old null read for me right now.

Kyo yeah I think they are town same with tele

Solic is intresting while I wouldn’t think of them as town core, so far I’m leaning town on them
overall I agree with most but like that it’s different from how I feel I don’t know if this is arete just appealing to town but it’s showing some dedication towards us showing they are useful to keep around for now. I like this :slight_smile:

I dislike Arete trying to get us to massclaim in a inq game (I forgot if the inq claimed before this pretty sure they did). They might be trying to help out a fellow neut who knows? But I just find it kind of “meh” at best. Please don’t mass claim scum can easily work around mass claiming.

I think Masterminds premotion works based on Assassin not Mastermind but the old mastermind dying early premotes the first three days and nights. So it’s confusing, if we have a “Moon spirit” might even be chances are that there can’t even be a new mastermind

Derp is honestly a solid scum read and Jake is also kinda decent, I don’t like how jake did nothing yesterday but they claimed and them claiming butler is pretty important I’d give them one more night to confirm themselves (They better not claim to occupy the dead person so choose wisely tonight Jake).

Either 1. No other Sheriff can spawn or 2. Other sheriffs can spawn just not the same sheriff.

Think that’s priestess just being priestess, then again it’s intresting.

Derps/Jake maybe me? I don’t think I was likely a convert target and I know Vulguard is clean, conversion-wize.

So does getting everyone to mass claim but ya still tried e.e

Good early scum fishing, marshal noteably is likely scum right now and this helps me see arete as “Pro-Town” if Marshal does flip scum today.

Like this asking for scum reads.

That’s pretty strange looking at it, dat should be writing wall posts as town, I’m guessing dat enjoys and puts more effort into reading, of course this could be dat trying to emulate his town games which isn’t obvious move but may slip under us I guess.

I like this little reminder while again it can just be seen as someone getting townie points, I think neutral king would want that in the first place not to get lynched nor posioned I feel like Arete as been at least acting neutral.

Gotta like this a lot (Not just because it’s me lel) But the fact they took my claim in to consideration and viewed it that way just makes me think arete is really trying to help town they could have stayed silent and not tried to help us, just getting someone lynched by the sidelines as lynching anyone that isn’t arete pretty much benefits arete if they are neutral king, I like how they are being very open minded and town sided, While it can be stunt just to gain our trust we shouldn’t be worried (early game) if arete is truly a neutral king.

I really like Arete so far I think they are trying hard to help town, somethings I may not fully agree with like mass-claming but I feel like in general they are trying to show their usefulness to us and trying to be apart of the “team” while we should always be careful around a king that has a high chance of being scum I think we should honestly try and let them live for now, I don’t really think jake yolo posioning them is good, but anywy Arete is neutral either way so It doesn’t hurt us too badly, but I feel like they’re trying.

Overall: Neutral strong lean read (non nk), I don’t think arete is currently scummy even though they have a high chance.


^I present the great wall post of wall posts

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read my summery at the end if you don’t want to go through it all fyi.

Why is SDA scum for no actioning and claiming Drunk when we have a Moon Spirit when Moon Spirit can just fake the action anyways?

you told derps to HH me instead of redirect me when you knew what my claim was.(saying that if i was MM then to just HH me)

Now, part of that, i admit, was misguided, as I learned that offensives find the MM to be not occ immune, and i assumed that debbing me would let my ability go through and would clear me as not MM.

Because it confirms him as drunk or moon spirit.

and his abilities are, you know, supposed to help BD. Like that would be like me no-actioning because “Scum can fakeclaim maid”

Going to take a well needed break until dinner, cya after that (in like two hours)

You couldn’t claim no actioning anyways, because Soul claims you left your room.

In addition this makes completely no sense when you’re worldbuilding me and Derps as the same scumteam.

/vote Marshal

yeah, but tell me why it’s not sus for anyone with inf use abils, especially those with at least semi-confirmable ones, to no-action n1.

I don’t get your veiwpoint.

I’m pretty sure it’s L-1 now, chief