[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Wait a minute… you’re a Demon?

I’ll bleed tele for betraying neut kind

ARETE. There were 4 deaths last night. 4. It’s MS not Assassin. Prince / Inq / MS / NK all together. They couldn’t have gone for the same target. Blue killed Derps. Dat is lying about who they killed

he would have survived

Also you don’t have a bleed so idc

If we assume the MS killed Vul then Dat could be telling the truth

That’s not even my point

I mean I still want to lynch Dat today because reducing KP helps me with the whole ‘not dying’ thing (sorry Dat)

Dat is confirmed lying because if he killed Derps there would’ve only been 3 deaths since there’s no 2f1

do u not know how pyre works?

He said he used Funeral Pyre, which kills all visitors.

No, I don’t know how Pyre works but now I got it. But no one would’ve visited Derps from that list. Vul knew Derps was town. He wouldn’t visit him. Jake knew Derps was Drunk, he wouldn’t visit him…

Anyway you can kill me if Dat flips town how about that

He claimed Demon, he’s not flipping town


Oh wait, I guess he wouldn’t anyway eh. Well if he’s NK you can kill me

Lol I was bled, rip. Dat is Assassin

He could also be NK lying about who he visited

There are multiple options here

squints I’m starting to feel something’s off with you

There is no Assassin, it’s Moon Spirit game

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Dat is confirmed Assassin or Demon but -sigh- it’s whatever. I’m just angry