[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

This was more of a joke as I had just had one post, so it’s NAI.

This fits with Drunk claim.

Unique ways to solve are always town indicative imo and this read is wholly accurate for how I felt in the thread.

Shows confidence in his thread being.

They had decent reasons to scumlean Kyo (even though they still aren’t valid).

Honestly if any town doesn’t feel uneasy around Priestess thread behaviour, I don’t know what they are thinking…, still think there are scummier players atm though.

They didn’t know about this and it seemed genuine, so fakeclaiming Drunk would be very tricky then.

They also already said they had asked Wazza prior, so this fits with their progression.

Like an offensive would. :wink:

Happy Hour softs offf the charts…

Guess we’re knowing what he’s doing at night on a relative consensus scumread. They also don’t trust Jake setting up their incredibly poor reaction test further up.

Don’t think they would do this as scum and choose the spotlight.

Yea the underlying feels bad, but it’s in line with his previous suspicion of Jake.

This also sounds genuinely sorry

He claims after the debacle, because he knows he’s in a tough spot.

Still feels bad about it.

Yeah I’m not making a single ISO after that one. They just don’t work for me.
I convinced myself to change my read and now Solic arrived at the same conclusion as I did prior.

When I say stuff like this it’s almost certain I’ve confbiased myself.

No. :eyes: I’ll force you to make more ISOs.

What do you think about my argument?

I think you’re making much more sense than I am and it just further convinces me that I should never make elaborate reads because my logic just never works that way.

I can make elaborate reads, but I’m never going to have any confidence in them, therefore it’s pointless to me.

  1. KyoDaz, Strong townlean based on his claim
  2. Arete, Claimed Survivor King
  3. Priestess, Null, let’s see what they do when you can vote
  4. Magnus, Claimed Mystic, Kyo vouched
  5. Solic, Leader of the Town Tower
  6. JakeTheWolfie, Light townlean, because of his claim.
  7. Luxy, Strong scumlean, didn’t care much at all about the “scumslip” debacle. Still thinking NK.
  8. SirDerpsAlot, Strong townlean based on his class progression and softs.
  9. Marshal, Light scumlean, very little reads in their posts
  10. BlueStorm, Claimed Inquisitor, 100% believe this tbh
  11. SoulShade, Nullish, Probably an invest or scum lul
  12. PokemonKidRyan, Null
  13. Vulgard, Light/Strong townlean based on tone and mindset, Might have slight TMI on Derps being town, keep in mind.
  14. Maxwell -> DatBird, Light townlean, not a lot of hedging which is his scum AI. Don’t like that they didn’t comment at all on the Derps “scumslip”.
  15. PoisonedSquid, In the Town tower, Squid actually seriously looking through my meta convinced me
  16. Teleology, Still in the Town tower, I like their reactions and questions.

Here is where I’m at. This means:


Please Jail Luxy, offensives on Marshal I’d say. Please don’t jail SDA. I hope this makes it in time.



Please invest SDA to check if he’s the Moonspirit? :thinking:

Wait, is the day phase about to end?

4 hours.

Oh god oh fuck.

Out of those, PKR/SoulShade/MarshalPriestess/Datbird, please put more content in your posts.

Why am I invest or scum?

Because you’re not doing shit and have only made a comment about frames being a thing. Change my mind.

Priestess in particular has a lot of content, there is just… not much good content. :rofl:
I agree that it should be easier to solve her slot D2.

Because you are close to a 0-poster and we have plenty of townreads.

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It’s day 1.

Oh remember me doing shit last game and being scum woah it’s almost as if it doesn’t determine me being scum.

Can’t check to see if they’re a specific class, only if they’re a Heathen.

You didn’t really do much that game either. :man_shrugging:

Yeah sure buddy