[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Why not

Learn your own mechanics, bud.
I won’t talk more about this, until Marshal has talked about this.
Don’t rolefish me, okay?

Accused Voters Count
Shurian Solic 1/9
Soulshade DatBird, Teleology, SirDerpsAlot, Priestess 4/9
Marshal Shurian, Arete :crown:, KyoDaz, Soulshade 5/9
DatBird Vulgard 1/9

You have 2 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 10 seconds until the day ends.

Also if you have any questions I am now online until the end of the day to answer them. Yesterday I passed out lol.

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How is this rolefishing… wtf

Sleep more :heart:

Explain how it’s rolefishing Priestess.

Also which is it then TvT or Marshal is MM according to you.

Think about your own words, please.

So more dodging.

Can’t wait for Soul’s ISO on you.

Soul, if you iso me, pls don’t reveal my class


The original plan was to post the Time Sheet for this game at the end of the game. I am no longer doing that. I’ll explain why at the end of the game. Spectators already know half the reason.

I’ve already seen that, so how am I rolefishing you when I’m asking you to take a stance on Marshal vs Soul?

won’t try to, but Anyone else can easily do that even scum I’m only 50/190 posts far fyi.

Can you post what Observer version you are btw?

The one with window peak, Follow and little birds

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was there a broken obs like the Tol version?

damn wish I got that version if it was a thing

Just wanna point out this is pretty normally for priestess she generally likes neutrals any faction she is.

Well priestess isn’t butler ¬_¬, This is just a small note here.

I generally agree with this at least I know Vulguard is pretty stubborn as town, while I’m no priestess (I never clearly 100% read someone as town unless they are confirmed).

I’ll be honest before the link info got out I more or less was null reading marshal, it’s kind of nice to see someone scum reading him early (even if priestess thinks it could be a TvT)

This is also a big note, generally I see priestess throw sade as either faction, I think she did this in her ek game where I was priest who healed her. (Just from meomory, but it maybe useful to go back through her isos that game).

While I can’t speak that much for Arete and Marshal totally agree with Vulguard, I want to even look into Arete because They’ve been “helpful” to town apperently while claiming cowardly king, I’ve never really looked into arete before so it may help me with there meta after this.

Pretty sure priestess is being priestess and protecting neutrals, I know priestess cares about neuts but I rather we stay critical of Arete but give them a chance at the very least.

I feel like this is how I felt eariler (Day 1) Maybe I was being more useless in trying to push people and this is why I had a hard push, but I find it hard at points to sometimes read people or create thoughts on them early game makes it harder (I’ll try to get better someday). But I can agree with this (for context this was a quote from solic asking who is scum to priestess).

Early reaction testing = Good in my book, while it can just be “to fit in with bd” anything can be that and I don’t really want to think of Every possible methord of interpretating a read because generally I won’t get any good reads if I do that.

Priestess being pro-nolynch (think this was day 1 when we didn’t even have a lynch or day 2 idk) but that’s normal I know priestess thinks misslynching leads to a bad swingy game for both sides, it’s more of a general thing for priestess and not a scum or town thing.

(This priestess quote is a reply from solic: It’s kind of ironic that this game you refuse to interact with me. :stuck_out_tongue: )
I don’t think this is a sneaky big brain thingy, of course Priestess likes making weird jokes in Fol because she’s edgy I don’t know what else to say on this but it’s at least good to note as solic felt like she was avoiding him.

Another weird priestess quote I forgot if she fake claims scum this often as bd I’m going to have to look at her isos in other games which will take me a long time… Hoooza!

Seems like a normal priestess reaction test/shade throw. (Normal for priestess)

Something I Disagree with but don’t see wrong with saying, I personally dislike that people have a mentality that you cannot push LHF, LHF doesn’t mean no one can push me. It means scum are likely to grap some nice LHF action if they can and the LHF isn’t one of them (unless they want some townie bus points). I just feel like saying someone is LHF shouldn’t really be such a valid arguement and should only be a consderation when pushing someone.

I agree with not outing if you don’t have to, while people have outed, and yay theirs a inq claim lets hope we aren’t heathens the game I guess, just claim if you need to don’t claim if you don’t have to. (Sidenote: Sorry for getting off tracked but I really dislike inq as a claim counter it doesn’t work well)

I don’t really get the point in this personally. If priestess is reading this what the heck kind of point do you get in fake claiming scum.

I somewhat don’t know if priestess is playing 4D chess or is just yoloing it for the ride, I just find it hard to comprehend her actions, I guess she’s good at baiting out reactions ect.

Personally I thought he was due to you saying how he was pretty towny in the way he was acting eariler, I also think Vulguard is somewhat townie (Mini read here, I’ll go through vulguard somepoint today but there was a good reason why I watched Vulguard last night)

This is normal for priestess personally I dislike being that “Neuts in!!” but it’s whatever it doesn’t really effect how I read Priestess personally

This is going to be my biggest hurdle finding out if priestess is scum priestess, I think looking into priestess scum games we may be able to find some factors that can point one way or another, even so I haven’t really found anything so far outright scummy.

Asking people to be active but is also a easy way for scum to earn townie points.

Well I must be a super “lock town” after this :wink: (Seriously I’ve just been reading through your posts like a hour and still got more to go o_o)

Jake needs to HH marshal tonight if I’m lynched, because they will be 100% scum unless they claim otherwise but they already claimed visiting Vulguard to kyo and couldn’t be occupied because they left there home, other then that I’m 100% on board with Derps being jailed, I personally really dislike how derps has been playing this game even if people disagree with me.

I found this arugement pretty serious as vulguard is generally stuborn as town from just from being in games with vulguard.

Going to note this down, also be nice to know your town games ect. I think we should be looking into a couple of priestess games and seeing how she compares to this one While it’s not always good to read people based off just meta alone I feel like it’s at least a good idea to look into those as I’m clueless about what normal town or scum priestess is like (Just to note she’s been acting somewhat pro-town, of course it may change it may not depending on how she acted in other games but I generally remember her acting the same in most games).

Some Issues with this include Kyo being mystic and not magnus but I won’t hold that aganst priestess because at that point we would have had no clue.
I think it might be good to get magnus to be slightly more active at some point, they are pretty busy with things to be fair but they haven’t talked in two days. Just going to keep a mental note of this for now as I find reads lists like these far more useful when a player has flipped, I generally prefer making explanation wall posts UwU. (Even if I’m bad at this I like giving fall reasoning and reads that are my own and not just based on a group think majority).

Weird how priestess voted me (still is I think) maybe it was a reaction test or me just being me and getting emtional big baby mode and not trying. I still think this is intresting, I’ve never purposely stopped trying town to be productive I feel like defending yourself is always a good thing I’m the only person I read as fully town day 1 normally lul.

I did this (even though people said I’m not contributing enough and it was day 1 ¬_¬ talking about myself at this point is running in circles).

Guessing priestess ignored my whole reads on derps and doesn’t count me defending myself either, or this is a simple reaction test either way while I know this is party OMGUSING a part of me finds people voting on me suspicous, I also dislike this because it makes me sound like I’ve done nothing all game mind you it was day 2 and I was sleeping, it felt like priestess was either jumping on the bandwagon or reactio voting me. Somewhat scummy for me, while in geneal priestess has been slight town read for me and won’t alone knock that.

Half and half I think creating reads based off how people read you isn’t bad and you should treat them like anyother read apart from you know your town as town and you know your scum as scum so it gives you more of a reason to comment on it, but I can kinda see her viewpoint on this.

Don’t think this is fake and can somewhat make Priestess look better imo, this means we really don’t have to lynch her if we really do scum read her somewhere down the day unless someone heals her, I don’t think This makes priestess scummier because no one was really pushing on her, of course this could be fake but I’m thinking it’s most likely real.

I don’t really mind priestess being healed but if she doesn’t want to be healed because “town core” is more important I wouldn’t stop her she may or may not have her reasonings. Yet again I don’t really think this is a scummy action more of a townie.

I don’t get this, at least she may have her reasoning? It’s good to at least hear out marshal

Overall: While I see nothing out of the ordinary I do believe priestess can go either way but my bets is she’s Town if it was the case, this isn’t taking to account her current scum games apart from my meomory of her acting similar in her town and scum games, while her play style is stange compared to most people I won’t fault it, she’s not actively been aganist town or fluff posting, I feel like even some of her “silly” posts may have more reasoning then people let on to, I guess that’s just priestess lol, I really think Priestess is at least somewhat trying this game and that’s she’s valuable, maybe I missed something but I’m not really aganist much of what she said (apart from her reasoning to vote me), I tried not to get too emtional about that either I felt like if I did I wouldn’t have been totally honest with myself.

Current Priestess read: Null-Town-Lean

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Feel free to criticise points of my reads fyi it creates a healthy discussion

also sorry priestess I sure if you town you don’t want people to waste time discussing you too much.

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If Marshal was occupied then it all makes sense. Not sure why he would matchmake me, but it’s not a terrible target.

It doesn’t because he left his home

Oh, so you got a response from Wazza about that.