[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)


We can’t really speak about mod actions I don’t think though

They “claim” it was a reaction test, but never did anything with it or explained how it actually was a reaction test of a kind or what the reasons behind the conclusions they drew from it were.

This is not true. Magnus is mystic and lock town.

Oh you don’t think it’s fake, but we have a Moon Spirit that can’t bleed

Basically a lot of Priestess = Priestess, so that explains all scummy actions. I can see why she enjoys playing scum.

Mind explaining how this says Peek and not Follow. :upside_down_face: I’d think someone with like 2500 hrs in ToL wouldn’t so easily mistake their own night action.

Also I would also like an ISO from you on Luxy/Shurian. I swear that’s basically all I want more, before I want to hear from Marshal.

Window peek is watch

But you even said it again. :thinking:

Is this a scumslip/TMI? I’m probably stupid but this statement is so weird.

nice try window peak, follow and little birds are my abilities

was obvious from what the question was whwn you asked

This has literally always been referred to as the faction check and not a watcher ability… in every Observer classcard and in ToL.

Still I would like your focus more on this.

It’s literally named window peek in my class card

Uhhh lolreactiontests.

I might soon I want to do some others like Arete aswell.

But I just did a hour and a half on priestess I want to relax for a little bit.

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Also lolalfa not spelling “Peak” as “Peek”.

Did you know I’m dyslexic and get words muddled up often I’m

I’ve even called it window peak before

No, you’re right. I just didn’t check any pre-Solic&Geyde FoL era classcards for Observer.

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So I was wrong

Dies internally.

A vet was wrong : (

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So I’m a old version of obs but the only change is that my ability is named window peak how creative yay.