[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

If there is a PK, the other NK slot becomes an any

I’ll be one of their supporters so A) They won’t be lynching me and B) There are bigger threats than a limited NK with a basic kill that’s easily prevented

Removes KP though. Like 1 or 2 deaths each night instead of 2

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Roll 1: 1-2 - D1 Execution - No D1 Execution - Pending
Roll 2: 1-2 - Trials or No Trials - Confirmed
Roll 3: 1-2 - Unseen or Cult - Confirmed
Roll 4: 1-2 - Random BD or Random Neutral - Confirmed
Roll 5: 1-5 - 1 - Good, 2 - Evil/Devout, 3 - Cowardly, 4 - Random Neutral King, 5 - Psychopathic - Confirmed
Roll 6: 1-16 - King’s Decision - Confirmed
Roll 7: 1-15 - Prince’s Decision - Confirmed
Roll 8: 1-[REDACTED] - Prince’s Classcard Date - Confirmed
Roll 9: 1-14 - Mastermind/Cult Leader - Confirmed
Roll 10: 1-[REDACTED] - Mastermind/Cult Leader’s Classcard Date - Confirmed
Roll 11: 1-13 - Assassin/Random Cult - Confirmed
Roll 11.5: 1-[REDACTED] - Random Cult Class - Confirmed
Roll 12: - 1-[REDACTED] - Assassin/Random Cult Class Date - Confirmed

The rest are obvious.

Neut is very fun to play as unless you’re alch

Why did I think 2 NKs could roll?

Because they can.

what no?

If PK the NK slot becomes an any slot, which means there can be 2 NKs


Oh yeah.

Wazza, in the event of two neutral killers do they have colliding win conditions or can they win together?

Also, can Unseen/Cult roll a convert here?
What if it’s a Cult game and Mastermind rolls is it rerolled?

Already Answered.

Neutral Killer is Alone

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Could it become multi-ball if Any rolls to a mastermind?


I will obviously take Unseen out of the equation.

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how do u determine the date?

I can’t say that.

So Unseen/Cult knows if it’s Psycho King if they have three members to start.

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You’ll learn at the end of the gme if you want to host it by yourself.

Yeah but, let me just go get the odds for that.