[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Like can you tell me if you are just randomly picking a date and picking the last revision to the card before that date, or do you have all like 60 versions of nobles and rolling a 1d60. If not its fine im justt curious from the backend of the setup

Are we gonna get our class cards today? :eyes:

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My paranoia level is already so high but I already love this and am hyped af for it.

Yes. But the game won’t start until SFoL 53 ends.

Nevermind, I can’t accurately get the odds without spoiling things.

I spent a lot of hours preparing this.

I can’t say at all until the game is over.

Would it be fine if you give us an estimation without mathematics?
Like, extremely low?


Oh. Okay.

That’s my estimation.

ok… sounds good im hype


Am I too late to


u can backup also

It’s like never too late to spectate is it?

Spectators aren’t informed at all.

W h y ?

Because I don’t know if I’ll have time to play after SFoL 53.

ew but /spectate still

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/spectate this show

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Wait we already get class cards? What?