[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Ofc not; because for the N-th time: I will attack eevee regardless of what happens.
If he fake claims; he will die. The only way that eevee survives is if he got night immunity, if he is protected, if I get redirected, or if I get occ’ed.


You realise that some neutrals are immune right yes?

openly claiming your going to attack someone doesn’t help with that either.

Aren’t they claiming a class with an occupy?

I mean if you let jgoes live the random bd can be a redirection / occupation class and mess with results. The change from a random bd to a designated bd class is a big difference in terms of logs and night abilities.

I love your optimism.

I’m not comparing it to ToL? I think I just made one comparison? This is from past FoL experiences. I don’t townread Kyo, so why would I trust what he claims about Duke? If they would be town they would WIFOM that statement anyways. Talking a lot more about Duke will just serve to out them, so I’ll shut up about that now though.

Jgoes: Be redchecked. Surrendered

Soul: Be King.
eevee: Claims Insurgent. (Wincon: See the Starting King lose.)
Situation: If Soul flips town; eevee needs to work with scum. Vice-versa.
Kyo: “Has Duke under control” and can make Duke exe Jgoes

Wait. But there is more:

Squid: Be Marshal (role)
eevee: Can prevent Squid from being visited
Marshal (player): Be enforcer. Can protect Squid
Zone: Be killing role. Attacks eevee to confirm that he is Insurgent

Dilemma: If Soul is Righteous King, then eevee works with Unseen.
If Soul is Corrupted King, then eevee works with Blue Dragon.

I still wanted your thoughts on my reads btw.

3rd scenario, they are not Insurgent.

I’ve noticed some softs and I highly suggest that someone protect Solic tonight, I think he’s a likely target

You do realize that what you’re doing right now is only confirming that eevee is more likely a Neutral, right? Neutrals are third party; they have their own interest. Unlike Derps the Alch, not all of them necessarily needs the Starting King dead.

Eh. What gives? Really, what gives? Why are you drawing attention to me?

Yeah. So in essence he can screw me over by occ’ing me, leaving Marshal the Enforcer to protect Squid from any attacks.

By all means: DO try your best to NERF Duke’s Jailkeeping + Execution.
I would LOVE to see you try.

I’m not a player that softs you fool. XD

Okay sorry I’ll stop talking about it :eyes:

Or continue talking about it. :man_shrugging:

It signals scum to work around them you better hope they don’t have a swapper or a occupier.

I just don’t think your plan of attacking insurgent is great.

I guess this is where we differ.

My internet will get cut off for about 6 hours. Sorry.
…I really am.

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Sleep well. :wave: