[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

In case it was intended to be, this is not an acceptable unvote. All votes must be cast with the syntax “/vote” and all unvotes must be cast with the syntax “/unvote”, or they will not be considered.

should i just yeet this?

Does anyone actually object to me hammering

wait arete is gonna steal my thunder"

i object arete

You’re one of the nine already

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/vote Jgoesgaming


Hammer has been reached.


I thought my vote counted as an unvote

it was meant to

Well it didn’t. You must use the syntax “/unvote” if you want to unvote. You tried “un /vote”, which is not acceptable. So we are at hammer and please stop talking.

teeeeechnically voting an invalid usually counts as unvoting

but i digress

Apologies that I didn’t clarify this earlier, but for me as a host, casting an invalid vote counts as doing nothing at all, not unvoting.

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Day 2 Final Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Jgoesgaming PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, Icibalus, WazzaAzza, Marshal, Solic, SirDerpsAlot, katze, Shurian, Arete 10/10
Soulshade55r :crown: eevee, KyoDaz, Zone_Q11 3/10
Currently Abstaining Players Sam17z, Possessed, PokemonKidRyan, Soulshade55r :crown:, katze, Isaac_Gonzalez 6/19

As the members of the Unseen conversed for the day, they heard some valuable intelligence early in the day.

“I am the Marshal and Jgoesgaming is a member of the Blue Dragon!” PoisonedSquid claimed to the court. “He is a threat to the Unseen of the highest order and we should lynch him iminently!” As the court inevitably swarmed Jgoes after this point, Jgoes soon found himself overwhelmed by accusations on all sides of him.

Eventually, he knew that he was doomed.“I am indeed a member of the Blue Dragon!” he said. “And my brothers and sisters whom you all had so mercilessly overthrown not too long ago will never forgive and never forget. We will restore this land back to what it once was, a land of faith and freedom, not one of suffocating law and dictatorship! The Blue Dragon shall return!”

Jgoesgaming has been executed by the court on the charge of High Treason! He was . . .

The Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune and keep this passive if your class changes…
Eager Service (Day) - Occupy a player until the end of the day, causing any day actions they attempt for the rest of the day to fail. - 2 uses
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight. - 2 uses
Intoxicated Wine (Call to Arms | Night) - Occupy a player for two nights in a row. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Jgoesgaming had a piece of parchment with his logs that the court was able to discern. They said as follows:

Jgoesgaming - Butler

N1 - Intoxicated Wine [Classified]
D2 - Eager Service [Classified]

Night 2 has just begun and will end at 2019-11-27T06:03:00Z, in 24 hours.


It never has, Marshal. They are always ignored by most hosts.

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The members of the Unseen awoke from their slumber and discovered something very disturbing: Five members of the court had all been slain in cold blood this past night! Two of them the court would be pleased they had died, and the other three, they would not be pleased. They were unsure as to what led to this massacre, but the members of the Unseen were determined to get to the bottom of things to secure the sanctity of the Unseen’s rule.

PokemonKidRyan, PoisonedSquid, Icibalus, and eevee have all been found dead!

PokemonKidRyan was . . .

The Heroine :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Killer
Hero’s Blessing (Passive) - You are occupy and redirection immune. You keep this passive for as long as you are alive, even if your class changes.
Promotion (Passive) - If the Heroine dies, the oldest non-Visionary member of the Blue Dragon will become the new Heroine, except in the case where there were three members of the BD alive but the Visionary and Heroine die at the same time, in which the remaining member will become a Visionary.
Vengeance (Day) - Your attack will pierce night immunity tonight. - 0 uses, Gains One use for each dead member of the Blue Dragon.
Slit Skin (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Eliminate (Night) - Kill a target player if they are a member of the Unseen. If they are a Neutral, they will instead be occupied. You will know which happened. - Infinite uses
Valiant Smite (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player, regardless of faction, bypassing any and all forms of immunity and protection. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didn’t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 2 uses (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

PokemonKidRyan did not have any readable logs on his person that the court was able to discern.

PoisonedSquid was . . .

The Marshal :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Investigative
Tireless (Passive) - If you do not perform an action at night, you will learn if any of your previous uses of Expert Investigation and Case Closed showed incorrect results and which ones were incorrect.
Scout (Day) - Your scout will inform you whether a particular player has been visited by a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium tonight and the faction of the player that visited your target if so. - Infinite uses
Peerless Confidant (Day) - Employ your most trusted confidant to keep watch on two players at once tonight. This confidant will tell you if either or both players are visited by a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium tonight and the faction of the player(s) that visited your target(s) if so. - One use
Expert Investigation (Night) - If a player is a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their faction. - Infinite uses
Case Closed (Night) - Very carefully examine a player tonight. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their exact class. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

PoisonedSquid did not have any readable logs on their person that the court was able to discern.

Icibalus was . . .

The Succubus :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Dependency (Passive) - If you die during the night or you are executed, all drained players will also die with you the following night.
Transfer Life (Day) - Allows you to kill a drained player overnight, provided they are not healed or night immune, during the coming night and transfer their remaining life in turns to another drained player. This will also heal the latter player. If you transfers to yourself, then you will gain a charge of Love’s Malady instead. If the first player is healed then the ability will still function but without the first player dying. - Infinite uses
Infatuation (Day) - When this ability is activated, all drained playerfs will have their votes locked to a target for the remainder of the day. - 2 uses
Vital Drain (Night) - Learns the target player’s class type and will drain them to death over the next two nights. While there is at least one player being drained then you will heal yourself if you are attacked or bleeding. If a drained player is healed then their timer until they are drained to death will not lower for the night but neither the healer nor the player will be notified. Does not count as an attack. - Infinite uses
Love’s Malady (Night) - Makes the user immune to occupation and redirection for the night and instantly kills a player while bypassing Night Immunity, healing, and does not count as visiting. - 0 uses
Your objective is to make it to at least (possibly fewer depending on the state of BD / HoB) the last five players alive while the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium do not hold a majority over the court on their own.

Icibalus had the following logs written on a piece of parchment on his person that the court was able to discern:

Icibalus the Duchess:
N1: Eevee, Support/Social

eevee was . . .

The Plague Doctor

Unseen Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Reverse-Hemophilia (Day) - You will grant a player immunity to bleeding. - One use
Herbal Medicine (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any bleeding and poisons they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Remarkable Quarantine (Night) - You will heal a player, giving them the effect of Herbal Medicine for this and the coming night. - One use
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

eevee did not have any readable logs on his person that the court was able to discern.

Marshal was . . .

The Enforcer

Unseen Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Protect will not kill you.
Protect (Night) - Protect a player, giving your life to kill their attackers. - Infinite Uses
Cold Steel (Night) - Kill a target player. If they are a member of the Unseen, you will die. - Unlimited uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Marshal had the following logs on a piece of parchment written on his person that the court was able to discern:

Marshal | N-Forcer

N1] Cold Steel SirDerpsAlot
N2] Defend PoisionedSquid

Please do the world a favor and rid it of kyodaz, if duke hasn’t already. If you are reading this, im probably caling him a dingus in deadchat anyways. If not, doesn’t matter, just… stop him.

also my secret way of reading luxy makes me think he is a host.

also if squid and I are both dead, i’m almost certian jgoesgaming used his call to arms on me. Take that as you will.

Day 3 has just begun and will end at either 2019-11-30T07:08:00Z or when someone gets hammered, whichever comes first. Please remember that lynches are majority only (NO plurality) unless the king activates Sword of Damocles for the day. There are currently 13 players alive, so majority is 7.

I defended squiddo

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eevee is a complete nerd.

I now think poss is crone again.

was squid a drained player here?

because squid shouldn’ta died since i gaurded her

I think the most likely explanation for Ici’s logs is that Eevee was

Also PKR’s flip + you defending Squid points to a likely CTA last night