[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I meant high posts = not visionary, that’s why Arete was cleared.

new take

Wazza is probably town here, he wouldn’t have been told about the N1 prevention so scumchat would need to have been paying a lot more attention to the thread (specifically to Derps’s claimed actions) than I think they are, and remember all the things Strigoi does, in order to realize that Wazz would’ve been prevented N1


Going to attack someone tonight as well. I will choose who and put in my logs


Do me a favor and look through Vul’s D1 pre-replace-out

has Vul rolled non-NK neut before? because his D1 doesn’t feel like it was written by a neut

  1. Vulgard Shurian: Alch claim
  2. SirDerpsAlot: Strigoi claim
  3. WazzaAzza Handmaiden claim
  4. Arete: Duke
  5. JakeTheWolfie/Zone: Baronet claim
  6. Possessed: Handmaiden claim
  7. Ozzkozz/Sam Marauder claim
  8. Frostwolf103: Stalker claim
  9. Soulshade55r :crown: : Corrupted King claim
  10. Cheeki/Katze Stalker claim
  11. Isaac_Gonzalez Torturer claim
  12. Solic Marchioness claim
  13. KyoDaz: Arbalest claim

We lynch Sirderp/Shurian
Arete jails exes Sirderp/Shurian (they confirm themselves as not converted)
Katze/Frostwolf follow me, I visit [REDACTED], confirming us three, by Katze claiming first target, then Frost second target, so they trust each other and they will know I doublevisit. Actually wait probability wise, this means that Katze should claim second. I can actually use day ability to check them as well, so I know for sure too.

Isaac uses his day ability on someone with day invest, like Katze/Frost who would get no feedback back, so he’d join a towncore of 4. He uses night ability on Arete to protect them.

Kyo kills within PoE of handmaidens probably.

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Although Shurian can’t be visionary because of my action N1 right.

In situations where Shurian is BD he was usually converted last night

Shurian claims Strigoi.
I think you’re getting katze and Shurian mixed.

You visited shurian last night?

  1. Vulgard Shurian: Alch claim
  2. SirDerpsAlot: Strigoi claim
  3. WazzaAzza Handmaiden claim
  4. Arete: Duke
  5. JakeTheWolfie/Zone: Baronet claim
  6. Possessed: Handmaiden claim
  7. Ozzkozz/Sam Marauder claim
  8. Frostwolf103: Stalker claim
  9. Soulshade55r :crown: : Corrupted King claim
  10. Cheeki/Katze Stalker claim
  11. Isaac_Gonzalez Torturer claim
  12. Solic Marchioness claim
  13. KyoDaz: Arbalest claim

We lynch Sirderp/Shurian
Arete jails exes Sirderp/Shurian (they confirm themselves as not converted)
Katze/Frostwolf follow me, I visit [REDACTED], confirming us three, by Katze claiming first target, then Frost second target, so they trust each other and they will know I doublevisit. Actually wait probability wise, this means that Katze should claim second. I can actually use day ability to check them as well, so I know for sure too.

Isaac uses his day ability on Frost, who would get no feedback back, so he’d join a towncore of 4. He uses night ability on Arete to protect them.

Katze uses day ability to track Zone not leaving his room as his abilities are disabled.

Kyo kills Wazza PoE
Sam kills Possessed PoE

Yes, I shot Shurian.

/vote shurian probs visioanry then


Why would Shurian be Visionary if they survived the shot?

How disrespectful

now what if I said I had someone better to use my day ability on

sighs heavily

No, I’m not. I think it’s possible that you’re Visi who tried to convert him last night, and also possible that you’re Visi who did convert him and set up a plan to “confirm” him as Strigoi -> Alch (he’s switched his claim).


Good point