[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Kyo Visionary
Shuri N2 convert faking neut

you’re welcome :upside_down_face:

I can prove myself as not converted when I jailexe your Heroine tonight

I am either voting Isaac or Zone today change my mind

Change of plans, Arete is actually most likely converted and I’ll be firing at them tonight.
@Isaac_Gonzalez Do not protect Arete.
Arete, execute me or hang tomorrow.

  1. Vulgard Shurian: Alch claim
  2. SirDerpsAlot: Strigoi claim
  3. WazzaAzza Handmaiden claim
  4. Arete: Duke
  5. JakeTheWolfie/Zone: Baronet claim
  6. Possessed: Handmaiden claim
  7. Ozzkozz/Sam Marauder claim
  8. Frostwolf103: Stalker claim
  9. Soulshade55r :crown: : Corrupted King claim
  10. Cheeki/Katze Stalker claim
  11. Isaac_Gonzalez Torturer claim
  12. Solic Marchioness claim
  13. KyoDaz: Arbalest claim

We lynch Sirderp/Shurian
Arete jails exes Sirderp/Shurian (they confirm themselves as not converted)
Katze/Frostwolf follow me, I visit [REDACTED], confirming us three, by Frost claiming first target, then Katze second target, so they trust each other and they will know I doublevisit. I can actually use day ability to check them as well, so I know for sure too.

Isaac uses his day ability on Frost, who would get no feedback back, so he’d join a towncore of 4. He uses night ability on Arete to protect them.

Katze uses day ability to track Zone not leaving his room as his abilities are disabled.

Soul guards me, because I can confirm both Katze and Frost, which is most +EV and also still have aligment check later on, and Isaac already guards Arete.

Kyo kills Wazza PoE
Sam kills Possessed PoE

I want everyone to agree to this or tell me why not.

Thinking process:
1’. Shurian needs to die. Arete will execute Shurian.
2a. Derps needs to die. He hinders heals and investigations.
2b. We need to focus on scumhunting first. Ignore Derps.
3’. Almost everyone has claimed; only 2 people left.
4’. I cannot read people well. I don’t know what to do at the moment.

2a is fighting with 2b, and I really just want you dead so we can solely focus on scumhunting.

Disagree, Arete is being fired at.

Isaac claims a prestige class that’s laughably confirmable. Zone claims a death from this night.

Isaac protects that.

I’ve already asked Isaac to not protect Arete.

Kyo is openwolving

He does that as town too sometimes but that is as point of fact what’s happening

Then you’re an idiot. Tell me why it doesn’t work.

How is it laughable confirmable?

Because I’m accusing him of being the Visionary so I’m oBvIoUsLy CoNvErTeD

They disable a day ability, which the scumteam can’t do, on Frost.

Your logic is complete tinfoil.

You better hope this plan doesn’t lose you guys majority is all im gonna say. Rather you guys hang me today then get vigged and cause a valuable ally to get handicapped for vigging an obvitown.

We’re going for Visionary first.

How is zone going to die?

Then we hang the Visionary today and I’m shooting Arete to kill the Heroine tonight.
If I am not jailed then Arete dies.
If I am jailed then Arete hasn’t been turned Heroine.