[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Goodnight Solic :wave:.

Anyway, I donā€™t trust Poss all that much


Kyo too.

Ah. Right. Thanks for reminding me.

Welterusten Solic!

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If Iā€™m Visionary I should stop playing FoL Tbh. My opening play is embarrassing for a scum player.



shouldnā€™t you know youā€™re not Visi

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Sorry but, I may distrust Possessed and all but I hate when people do this.

Itā€™s annoying and obnoxious when you are blatantly not talking from your own angle.

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Claims Crone, pretends to not know format, claims HANDMAIDEN when Iā€™d have access to better claimsā€¦

Yeah, if Iā€™m Visionaryā€¦yikes. Iā€™m not THAT bad of a player, am I?

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ā€œhaha I wouldnā€™t do that right guysā€

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Its alright, doesnā€™t bother me.

But yesā€¦Iā€™m speaking hypothetically.

ā€œThatā€™s crazy to imagine a player like me doing that haha right so it canā€™t be meā€

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Hereā€™s a fun question

Is this worthless anti-spew from a neut who knows they lost, or does this actually mean something?

Its crazy to think any player would do that, but yeah!

Usually I do boneheaded stuff as CONFIRMABLE classesā€¦not a non-confirmable one. If Iā€™m Visionary, everything I have done would have to be pre-meditated and not genuine stupidity.

Well then, I am going to kill Kyo for suddenly leaving us.

Unofficial VC:

Kyo (2)        | Solic, Zone
Isaac (1)      | Wazza
Not voting (8) | Possessed, Kyo, Arete, katze, Sam, Soul, Isaac, Frost

Andā€¦ I guess thatā€™s it for now. I might make a log list if anyone is interested in giving me their logs.

Hang on, didnā€™t you lose the ability to kill?

In any case, stripped down to actions my logs are:

N1 - Kidnap Kyo (no claim)
N2 - Kidnap Ici; Duchess claim; exeā€™d
N3 - Kidnap Derps; exeā€™d

I have one more execute left

exe me


Eh no you are already divorced