[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Me (bleeding out tonight)

if we assume Soul is BDK, and that there’s a Visi and a Heroine, then we have to lynch correctly today

if we lynch correctly but the Visi (either starting or promoted) gets off a convert, then it becomes BDK + 2 scum vs. 4 town (I’m dying to bleed)

basically what I’m saying is that we need to not mess this up, and also Isaac and I need to be On Point with our targets


why are you still alive

why has no one killed you yet

The logical implication of this is that we shouldn’t be hasty with votes, if one person votes wrong scum can quickhammer

not going to lie if we manage to lose this after Squid found a BD N1, I heroshot the NK N2, and Marshal also killed a BD N2, I’m going to be disappointed in us

If we lynch wrong but we block the kill and the convert then it becomes a 3v4 with one of those 3 being Soul who’s a doublevoter, at that point it’s basically a clicking race

I stand by this with the caveat that Wazza should also be sharing night results (probably at the same stage as Solic)

so IN FAIRNESS multiple separate town members didn’t follow the nightplan

Also I think maybe Isaac should be last

I found the whole scumteam

Then again I can jump into conclussions

I’m torn between ‘follow the plan for outing night results’ and ‘just tell me what you got’ :eyes:

How are both Possessed and Kyo town. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Possessed, please don’t argue for your own execution again… ugh

Why exactly this?

Do share with the class.

:man_shrugging: lulwolves

They did occ me N1, so at least they are not completely oblivious.

First one is so that if someone performed the nightkill, they can’t backtrack after the resident local Stalker outs their info by being like ‘oh yeah I matchmade them’ or whatever, and also to reduce the odds of misexeing someone for getting lucky

this was more of an issue with Katze potentially in-play as a Watcher

also I changed my mind about where Isaac should go because I don’t think he ever gets converted here

he was after the invests because a Heroine faking invest wouldn’t know if they were occupied or not, nor would a Visi

I feel like I’ve used mechanics way too much to try and solve this… I have to head to work now, but when I’m back I can play again in around 13 hours or so. We should focus more on reads.

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Why do I have a feeling that Frost is about to be like ‘yeah Solic visited Katze and only Katze’

Well I did read Kyo simply not as Visionary after Shurian, but yeah you are right

One moment I need one more detail from host before outing it